Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


 Model of the graduate of the Master's

of the educational program « Mathematics»


The most important priority of the educational program of the master's degree is the formation of a model of a specialist in the field of mathematical science with a broad Outlook based on the understanding of the laws and problems of development of this area.

The purpose of the educational program

Training of specialists with a high level of professional culture, able to formulate and solve modern scientific problems, to teach in educational institutions, to successfully carry out research activities in the field of mathematics and management activities in various fields of education.

Awarded degree
Master of Natural Science of the educational program « 7M05401 Mathematics»
List of specialist positions
University teacher, researcher, head of educational institutions
Objects of professional activity

Universities and research organizations; public administration bodies; state and non-state institutions of science and education; industrial production; design, technological and design organizations.

Institutions of science and education; research organizations.

Educational institutions; centers of excellence.

Functions of professional activity

-teaching mathematics in educational institutions in accordance with the objects of professional activity;

-implementation of pedagogical and educational activities, including the use of modern pedagogical and information technologies;

-implementation of research activities;

-effective use of information and communication technologies for self-employment and self-study

-implementation of expert Advisory, administrative and managerial activities.

Personal characteristics;

- citizenship, civic consciousness, law-abiding, understanding of their civil rights, freedoms and duties;

- loyalty, politeness, positivity, honesty, tolerance to traditions and culture of other Nations of the world;

- possession of English, information and communication technologies, the ability to learn throughout life, curiosity, methodical, critical, logical thinking, the ability to generalize, analyze, perceive information, erudition, "pedantry" in working with numbers;

- attentiveness, focus on results, tendency to detail information, patience, diligence, responsibility;

- ability to plan your time, energy, organization, commitment, attentiveness, concentration. communication skills, ability to achieve the intended goal;

- goodwill, the desire to develop.

Master's learning outcomes – mathematics (Dublin descriptors)

At the end of the educational program graduates are able to:

1) to carry out a scientific analysis of the possibilities and potential of modern educational technologies, to apply the methodology of designing educational technologies, to apply modern educational technologies in a wide educational practice;

2) apply the basics of fundamental mathematics and understand the methods of its research;

3) apply current technologies of teaching mathematical disciplines

4) to apply knowledge, understanding and ability to solve problems under conditions of uncertainty and within the wider areas

5) continue self-study