Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Model of the graduate of the master's

of the educational program « Marketing »


The purpose of the educational program

Training of highly qualified and competitive specialists in the field of marketing, as well as researchers in the field of trade marketing, with a high level of readiness to implement the basic professional functions that can constructively influence the nature and direction of development of professional fields of their activities, possessing the skills of organizational work and management.

Awarded degree
Master of business and management, specialty 7M04105 - Marketing
List of specialist positions

Marketing specialist, advertising Manager, marketing analyst, PR Manager, head of marketing Department, Deputy head of marketing Department, teacher, researcher

Objects of professional activity

markets (commodity, stock, information, capital, labor, etc.); public institutions; service enterprises ( hotels, catering enterprises, tourist firms, excursion bureaus); production and intermediary enterprises; international chambers of Commerce; trading houses; transport and communications; warehousing; political education; public organizations; educational organizations.

Functions of professional activity

The functions of professional activity are:

- development of measures to improve the organization of activities of all departments

- implementation of marketing research in various industries;

- participation in the development of service strategy and tactics, marketing budget and business plan;

- organization, planning and coordination of enterprise management activities and formation of market and industry economy;

- control over the sale of agricultural products in various sectors of the economy;

- management and control of agro-industrial complex in various sectors of management

Personal characteristics

General civil qualities:

- patriotism, manifested in the love for the Motherland,

- law obedience

Intellectual qualities:

- erudition

- critical and emotional thinking

- proficiency in English,

- information and communication technologies

- the ability to learn throughout life.

Organizational and volitional qualities:

- purpose

- self-discipline

- orderliness

- sociability

- ability to achieve the intended goal

- ability to handle stress.

Spiritual and moral qualities:

- honesty,

- conscientiousness,

- tolerance of other beliefs,

- decency.

The quality of the business:

- industry

- responsibility

- adaptability

- ability to work in a team

- ability to make non-standard decisions in emergency situations.

Special quality:

- dedicationу

- punctuality;

- the desire to work long-term, to develop to strive for career growth;

- ability to quickly perform tasks;

Master's degree results - State and local government (Dublin descriptors)


1) ability to demonstrate developing knowledge and concepts in this area, based on advanced knowledge of the study area in the development and (or) application of ideas in the context of research;

2) the ability to use their knowledge and skills at a professional level to solve problems in a new environment, a broader interdisciplinary context;

3) collecting information and providing explanations for the formation of opinions, taking into account social, ethical and scientific ideas;

4) clear and thorough informing of specialists, as well as non-specialists of information, ideas, conclusions, problems and solutions;

5) reflects the learning outcomes that characterize the ability to have the learning skills necessary for self-continuation of further education in the study area.