Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Organization of Academic Activity



The main goal of the University is providing of the northern region of the country by highly qualified specialists on the basis of complex preparation by using the latest achievements in the field of education, science and industry, the global interest of employees in the performance of the institution and functioning quality management system.




Learning process at the university is based on the achievements of the scientists leading their research in various areas in laboratories and departments of the faculties. Powerful personnel potential is supported by experienced teachers’ material base, modern educational and methodological developments, rich fund of books, monographs, literature on most disciplines.


Today the demand for graduates in the labor market is the criterion for the quality professional education, so the preparation of these modern professionals requires the creation of fundamentally new forms of organization of the educational process.



In connection with these, a purposeful work is held to strengthen the practice-oriented focus of study. New forms of co-partnerships enable employers to attract training. Educational programs are formed in a modular fashion with the views of employers and the requirements of production and the labor market and are focused on the end result. Our educational programs are formed so as to prepare students for employment in the chosen specialty. For training the modern equipment and advanced technology enterprises, part of the learning process is transferred directly to production. We do not deal with employment of graduates of the "output", and systematically are building a close relationship with the students’ specific employers.


In the context of implementation of the State Programme for the Development of Education it is important training with multilingual education. The university launched a pilot educational program for multilingual education in six undergraduate majors and one graduate specialty.


Meeting with foreign educational programs and innovative technologies and intellectual potential of the best foreign universities by bringing their scholars for teaching and research activities is one of the ways to improve the competitiveness of the university in the education market. The participation of the Kostanai State University in the activities of consortia of European universities directly helps to prepare students for life and work in conditions of integration processes.