Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Students' light!

Nowadaysin the territory of CIS countries there is no movement which could compete with the organized movement The Club of cheerful and resourceful people (CCR).

  • Territory coverage (hundreds cities - the movement CCR centers);
  • Quantity of teams (one thousand college and school teams);
  • Number of playing people (one hundred thousand players);
  • Interest to game of all segments of the population, and in particular school and university students;
  • Extended coverage of actions in mass media.

CCR for students of KSU has already become a good tradition.  It is hard to recall when the first game took place and as how it was on. Various festivals of the CCR’s teams in which all faculties participated were annually held till 2009 at the university, and since 2010 the League of CCR of KSU was formed and created by the initiative of students who are interested in advance and development of the CCR’s movement at our university. Every year the league grows, increasing quantity of teams, improving level of actor's and author's skill. CCR enjoys huge authority among students therefore very often the members of the club are conductors of social ideas among student's audience.

On the basis of league the national team of CCR of the university which represents our higher education institution on various regional and republican actions was formed.  Merits and victories testify to the huge potential and professionalism of team of the university: 

  • victories in regional and republican leagues;
  • Champions at the festival “Student Spring”  - 2017
  • 2nd  place at the festival "Student Spring”  2019
  • The highest education institution team (the Kazakh) in 2013 passed in the highest league of the republic.
  • Winners in regional and republican leagues
  • Participants of the official regional league of CCR "Иртыш" of the International Union of  CCR (Pavlodar, 2019)
  • Participants of a youth comic show in Astana on Khabar TV channel (2019)
  • Winners of the KSPU Rector's Cup, Rector of the KИнЭУ, РПТК Cup, Rudlive League Wins (2017-2018)
  • Semifinalists of the Republican 1-League “Saryarka Life, Republican Festival Jaidarman, Astana (2018)

The CCR’team "National team of the Kostanay region" received popularity in 2008, during games of official leagues of the CCR International union. After the first participation in Sochi festival team distributed in the Central Ural league of CCR in which the men from Kostanay won back two seasons. And successful performance at the Chelyabinsk festival "Snow buyeraki-2009" inspired command for new fulfillments. It is possible to tell surely that the CCR movement has huge potential for development and youth self-realization. Now this is the most popular youth social movement of the talented youth which has become unique means of collective dramatized creativity, development of intelligence, esthetic education and the organization of productive leisure of students.