The trans-European program of mobility and support of the higher education TEMPUS GREEN ENGINE Development and implementation of the Master Programme – "Eco-Engineering - environmental processing and sustainable use of renewable recourses and bio-waste" – Разработка и внедрение магистерской программы «Экологический инжиниринг и устойчивое развитие с применением возобновляемых источников энергии и биоотходов».
The general coordination of the project is carried out by the European Commission of Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency.
Wismar university of applied sciences: technologies, business and design, Germany (representative Beyfert Anatoliy) acted as the applicant of a grant of the project and the leading partner according to the agreement .
Partners of KSU of A. Baitursynov on the project are:
- Riga technical university (Latvia);
- Tallinn university of technology (Estonia);
- Rudny industrial institute (Kazakhstan);
- Karaganda state technical university (Kazakhstan);
- Kazan national research technical university (Russia);
- Vladimir state university of N. Stoletov (Russia);
- ITMO University (Saint Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics) (Russia);
- Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan;
- Energy partner LLP (Almaty, Kazakhstan).
General tasks:
- Improvement of educational competitiveness and international involvement of partner universities by mea
ns of their leading to the international standards according to Bologna Process in sphere of environmental protection and effective processing of the electric power received in the ecologically clean way;
- Ensuring interregional cooperation of the participating countries at the academic, political and business levels.
Specific tasks:
- Realization of developed Master programme in partner-universities to the end of the 2nd year of the project;
- Participating of 7-12 students with appropriate qualification and language skills from each partner-university in the programme;
- Development of the programme content according to EU and Bologna Process;
- Ensuring effective use of existing experience of similar projects on cluster processing of energy which are working or finished in the participating countries in the world;
- Propaganda of political and public attention to the problem on the project;
- Providing of continuity, clarity of results of the project
The period of realization project – from October 15, 2011 to October 14, 2014.