The introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in universities of Kazakhstan
The introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in universities of Kazakhstan
Project name |
CM_SCM-T002B05-2005 "The introduction of the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS) in universities of Kazakhstan" |
Goal |
to facilitate the Credit System creation compatible with European system and work out the manual for transfer on ECTS |
Project domain |
Т 935 - Credit Transfer System | |
Project duration |
1 year | |
Amount financed |
99 804 Euro | |
Contractor |
Universita degli studi di Bologna - Gesena, Italy. | |
Coordinator |
International Business University -Almati, Kazakhstan |
Partners |
Baiturvinov KSU - Kostanay, Kazakhstan, The Department of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Central OstrobothniaPolitechnic, Kokkoia, Finnland, Sinform, Bologna, Italy, SVIMAP-network universitario per lo sviluppodelmanagementdell'areaPubblica- Gesena, Italy. |
The following results of the project are achieved:
• The exchange of working curricula is made in 3 areas:
The Humanities (Interpreters)
Economics (Management)
Technological subjects (Agroengineering)
- The foreign experience and peculiarities of learning process organization in the credit system implemented by partner-universities and other universities with the experience in ECTS work are investigated
- The peculiarities of Credit Transfer Systems and Credit Transfer and Accumulation Systems implemented by European universities, procedures of ECTS, opportunities offered to students and universities are explored. The analytical review with generalization of foreign experience in Credit Transfer System application in educational process is done on results of the work. The following problems of ECTS realization are , revealed:
оdifferent number of hours for 1 credit; оdifferent number of years for bachelor degree; оdifferent number of required credits;
оdifferent approaches to credit calculation in European universities.
- The training seminars about ECTS for teaching staff, methodologists were organized »
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- The Association Agreement in the science and education spheres between Baitursinov KSU and Bologna University was signed during the visit of .'professorM.Bianki form Bologna University on May, 2007. All materials of the introduction of the European Credit Trasnfer System into educational process were presented to professor M.Bianki during his visit.