Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Distribution of the quality assurance system in the universities of Kazakhstan


СМ-SCM-T030B05-2005 «Distribution of the quality assurance system in the universities of Kazakhstan»



Project name

CM- SCM-T030B05-2005 "Distribution of the quality assurance system in the universities of Kazakhstan"

Goal Creation and distribution institutional Quality Assurance System for implementation in the universities of Kazakhstan.
Project domain
Т932 - Internal quality assurance system
Project duration
1 year
Amount financed
144 308 Euro
Contracter  Warsaw Agricultural University - Warsaw, Poland
Coordinator Kazakh Agrarian University, Almati, Kazakhstan
Partners University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna - Vienna, Austria, TechnischeUniversitat Ham-burg-Harburg- Hamburg, Germany, Wageningen University - Wageningen, the Netherlands, Polish stateaccreditation committee - Warsaw, Poland, The Department of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan - Astana, Kazakhstan, KAZATU - Astana, Kazakhstan, Baitursinov KSU - Kostanay, Kazahstan, State University "Semey"- Semepalatinsk, Kazakhstan, TarSU- Taraz, Kazakhstan, WKAU - Uralsk, Kazakhstan..


The project is accomplished with KazNAU, Warsaw Agricultural University, Wageningen University (the Netherlands ), BOCU (Austria).

The following results of the project are achieved:


  • The experience of Baitursinov KSU with the implementation of Quality Management System and Corporate Social Responsibility, in the educational process caused the interest of Russian HEIs. For example, trainers and professors of/Baitursinov KSU held the seminars on the Quality Management System and Credit System implementation into educational process within the terms of the association agreement with Urals Agricultural Academy (Ekaterinburg, Russia).
  • Teaching staff of the university took part in the training seminar for the teachers of project partner-universities on the base of KazNAU, Eurasian Symposium on education quality in high school in Kazakstan-Britain technical university and other. This knowledge was useful for holding the seminars on the Quality Management System implementation and organization of educational process with Corporate Social Responsibility, on the faculties.
  • In virtue of the experience of foreign universities the wage system was introduced in accordance with teaching performance appraisal rating system in order to achieve the objectives of Quality Management System since 2006. In accordance with this system the wage of each employer should coincide with results and quality of the work


The causes and factors, restraining the development of the quality assurance system are revealed:

  • The Weak motivation of Faculty Members to improve the teaching quality;
  • The weak motivation of students to gain knowledge because of the lack of effective learning quality control system of students and lack of Quality Management System;
  • Insufficient openness and illegal activity in student knowledge evaluation;
  • The weak practical experience of students, lack of interest to creative work and scientific inquiry in the process of student training pre because of congestion of curricula and predominance of human factor in student knowledge evaluation.




The participation of Baitursinov KSU in the project «Distribution of the quality assurance system in the universities of Kazakhstan» gave to our university the following opportunities:

  • Development in these areas. Our university received the opportunity to start the collaboration with foreign university, to expand mutually profitable contacts with the HEIs of Kazakhstan.
  • Participation in the following projects of Tempus program such as "Strategic Integrative International Management for SMEs". Developing a curriculum and a syllabus, the implementation in Baitursinov KSU and in Rudniy Industrial Institute (the Republic of Kazakhstan) and the project "Curriculum invoking Bologna-aligned of Education Leading to reform in Environmental Studies" and other.