Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Academic matters department

The main goal of Department activity is routine planning and organization of the academic activity, development of students’ academic mobility, monitoring organization and assessment of students’ academic  achievements,  management of credit training technology processes, connected with the students’ personal record (dossier) conduct and the registration, storage and record of their academic achievements.





  • Routine planning, organization and supervision of  the academic activity at the University
  • Coordination of  departments’ activities and other subdivisions of the university  on planning and supervision over the implementation of the  teaching load by the faculty
  • Choice of teachers, student academic discipline registration and academic groups and streams formation processes management.
  • Boundary check, interim (intermediate) and final assessment organization
  • Formation, registration, storage and record of students’ academic progress  (performance) in electronic administration
  • Coordination of the faculties and departments activity on the internal students’ academic mobility  organization
  • Student documentation paper work and conduct
  • Improvement of the credit training technology by developing of appropriate normative documents
  • Control over the implementation by faculties and departments of the normative documents state compulsory educational standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan
  • Organization of advisory activity for students, teachers and mentors (advisors) concerning the academic activity organization










Kostanay, 47 Baitursynov st., building №1, 308 office.  Phone: +7 (7142) 39-06-20



Students’ academic rating (Rating) is the quantitative index of students’ curriculum acquisition level compiled according to intermediate assessment results.


The educational process is educational activities organization system based on the organic unity and the relationship of teaching and learning, it is aimed at achieving training goals.


Students’ academic achievement  mean their knowledge, skills and competencies acquired in the course of learning and reflecting the current level of personal development.


Credit technology training is education based on students’ choice and independent planning of disciplines study succession using the credit as a unified unit of instructional work volume measurements.