Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Acquaintance of students with military department of KSU

The official meeting for educational process and organizational matters of military department (MD) took place at Kostanay State University.  KSU rector Khussain Valiyev, rector’s advisor Mikhail Dauyenov, head of military department Bulat Tokin, heads of University, personal officer personnel and students of military department were presented at the meeting. The rector Kh. Valiyev congratulated all 149 students, who passed hard military election, and noted that military department opening is a big confidence and happy occasion for our University. The rector said that students would study tactics, receive marksmanship and technical training. According to the rector, 12 girls-students of University expressed the wish to study at military department.

The rector’s advisor, Major General Mikhail Dauyenov also congratulated the students. He said to students that they would be future officers of Armed Forces of RK and Motherland defenders; they were ancestors’ descendants of Great Kazakh Steppe, who have defended and created Kazakh nationhood, students have had everything they need for successful study in order to meet the requirements and firmly endure toughness and difficulties of the military study, to learn how subordinated to the commanders, to execute regulations of Armed Forces in full obedience and proudly wear a military uniform. Mikhail Dauyenov noted that they would be not only civil students, but students of military department and also the hope of their parents, authority of the faculty and pride of the University.

The head of military department, colonel Bulat Tokin clearly and emotionally told about the education advantages on military department, peculiarities of recruitment, development tendencies of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Students expressed a keen interest to the topic, actively asked questions connected with education on military department.

The head of planning management and academic matters department of KSU Arman Ismailov also gave a presentation to students.  He said that education on military department is a voluntary and independent decision of the students. Also he noted that it is a large workloads, because except studying on the military department, students shouldn’t forget about main study in University, and also students will have responsibility for the participation in University and faculty events on educational, sport and scientific directions.

As a result of the meeting, students obtained conclusive information about studying on the military department and service in the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan. The colonel B.Tokin thanked the KSU rector Kh.Valiyev for the implementation of the plans and opening the military department in A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University.



KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina