Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

New book "Steppe voice"of Akylbek Shayakhmet

"Steppe voice" is a new book of the writer, professor of A. Baitursynova KSU Akylbek Shayakhmet, which is published in capital publishing house "Foliant". The author of the foreword of the book is professor of A. Baitursynova Kostanay State University Yuriy Bondarenko.


голос степи


The creativity range of Akylbek Shayakhmet is very wide: poetry, prose, dramaturgy, publicism. He is the author of plays: "Gratitude and Damnation, Or Light and Shade", "Pure Spring", "Shokan's Sadness", "Will of Ibraya", "Kulturbakan" and others, having took prizes in republican competitions and brought to the author the award "Altyn kalam" ("Gold Pen").




The drama poem "Aksulu", devoted to the akyn improviser Aksulu Orysbaikyzy, was accepted into the gold fund of the Kazakh radio.

Creativity of the writer is multiple. The openness of soul, sincerity is felt in his works. It follows from the personality of the poet - entire, alien ambiguity. These qualities induce him to tell the truth in the works every time, under any circumstances.   

Akylbek Shayakhmet's destiny closely intertwines with destinies of Kazakh people and native land. Personal experiences of the author, pleasure and pain, hope and belief in the best, call for freedom from vices of past and present, preservation of the native language and culture are the main keynotes of his works. The author has an opportunity to influence minds of readers, putting good motives.

