Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Meeting with the professor M.S.Erzhanov

      On October 15-16, 2015 within scientific and creative cooperation the meeting of teaching staff of the department  of accounting and audit and students of the specialty "Accounting and Audit" with the Doctor of Economics, professor, the general director of the international auditor firm "Grant Thorton" (Almaty) - Erzhanov Mukhtar Saltayevich was organized by department of accounting and audit of economics faculty. The dean of economics faculty N. Baranova presented at a meeting.



      M.S. Erzhanov took active part in the development of the first Kazakhstan legislation on accounting and audit, he created and developed the office of one of the companies of Big Four in Kazakhstan where successfully operated by large projects of audit, including the first international audit of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



      M.S. Erzhanov prepared 13 doctors of science and 15 candidates of science in the sphere of accounting, audit, statistics, finance and banking in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. He is an author more than 10 textbooks on audit, account and the taxation by which students of higher education institutions of the country are trained.

Within the visit M.S. Erzhanov read problem lecture for students 4 courses, the specialties "Accounting and Audit" where the questions on problems of the account, audit and the analysis in modern conditions, and also prospects of development of registration and analytical system in the period of IFRS and ISA were touched.