Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Meeting with coordinator of “Erasmus +” program in Kazakhstan

On June 1 within monitoring, the first meeting with coordinator of “ERAZMOUS+” program in Kazakhstan Shaizada Tasbulatova and with working group of the "Establishment of Computer Centers and Curriculum Development in Mathematical Engineering Master Program" ECCUM project was held in conference room of KSU. The objective of monitoring is audit of the activities to achieve of the project purposes.




The working group of ECCUM project from A. Baitursynov KSU were presented by:


Mayer Fedor Fedorovich is head of strategic development department, project coordinator;

Kandalina Yelena Mikhailovna is head of international affairs department;

Yaroshenko Oksana Alekseevna is head of accounting and reporting department;

Baimankulov Abdykarim Tungushbayevich is head of information systems department;

Zhuaspayev Talgat Amangildinovich is head teacher of information systems department;

Serkebayeva Lyazzat Turalinovna is head teacher of information systems department.




The working group of ECCUM project from International University of Information Technologies (Almaty) were presented by the project coordinator – Zakirova Gulnara Demeshevna.


Also the project coordinator from university Santiago de Compostela took part in action in online mode.


During action, members of working groups have provided information on various aspects of design activity.


The coordinator of national office of “ERAZMOUS+” in Kazakhstan, Shaizada Tasbulatova has shared information concerning rules, priorities and methods of realization of project activity.

