Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Universal declaration and legalization of property

The main specialist of State Revenues’ Management of Kostanay Ainur Amraliyeva has recently held an explanatory meeting about “phased introduction of general declaration” and “legalization of property” with employees of A. Baitursynov KSU.   


On November 19, 2015, the Head of state Nursultan Nazarbayev signed the Law "About Modification and Additions in Some Acts of RK, concerning Declaration of Income and Property of Natural Person", providing phased introduction of general declaration.  




According to data of the specialist of State Revenues’ Management, the following persons are obliged to submit the declaration: all Kazakhstan citizens of age of majority repatriated Kazakhs and the people, having residence permit. Also minors will have to declare property, in case of availability on property ownership, which is subject to registration, accumulation on bank accounts (over 160 minimum earned payments or in 2016 – 3,6 million tenges) or any income provision (with the exception of received from the budget).  At the same time for these people, the declaration is submitted by their lawful representatives.




Declarations can be submitted:


1) In the paper form by mail in any Reception Center and Data Processing of Bodies of State Revenues till July 15. Further creation of 3 Processing and Delivery Centers are planned on the republic, which will be separate public institutions. Functions of Processing and Delivery Centers will consist only in the scanning of declarations, submitted on paper and placement its in the database.

2) In the electronic form. When submitting of declarations in electronic form, the automatic delay will be provided for two months, i.e. no later than June 15 (instead of April 15).


The digital signature will be necessary for electronic delivery of the declaration. Now application questions of more simplified versions of the signature are being discussed, for example, login and password, which use banks, now the matter is being at the discussion stage.


Also today, Ainur Amraliyeva has told us about conditions and principles of property legalization.


Basic principles of legalization:

First of all, legalization is conducted for reduction of volumes of shadow economy and involvement in national economy of additional resources and property.

Secondly, legalized money and property don't admit as the income for taxation, respectively, and are not subject to income tax.

Thirdly, subjects of legalization are exempted from criminal and administrative liability on a number of articles. At the same time certain restrictions and requirements for legalization are provided by the Law.


The following property is subject to legalization:

1) money;

2) securities;

3) partnership share in authorized capital of legal person;

4) immovable property, formalized on other person, right to which or transactions, on which, according to the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, are subject to the state registration;

5) the buildings (structures, constructions), which are in the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan, appropriate to construction standards and rules, and also intended use of occupied land plot, belonging to the subject of legalization on the property right;

6) immovable property, which is outside the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan.


It should be reminded that the term of legalization of property is prolonged till December 31, 2016.