Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Fiftieth anniversary of Akylbek Shayakhmet’s creative work

On May 29, 2016, the large-scale action, devoted to the fiftieth anniversary of creative works of poet, writer, playwright and famous journalist Akylbek Shayakhmet, took place in regional philharmonic hall. For these years about 45 books were published, 4 of which have published this year and which the author presented on this day. On the creative evening, songs were sounded, which were written on his words and audience had an opportunity to observe fragments from his performances, such as "Ibray’s Will " and "Okinish".  



The readers, colleagues and authorities came to congratulate the poet. On behalf of the akim of region, the deputy Marat Zhundubayev congratulated the writer. Also the akim of Zhitikara region Abay Ibrayev congratulated Akylbek Shayakhmet and gave to the poet the title of "The honourable citizen of Zhitikara region ". It should be noted that Akylbek Kozhayevich is the native of Zhitikara region.  



The congratulatory speech was made by poets and writers - contemporaries: national akyn of RK - Asiya Berkenova, poet - Koishygul Zhylkyshiyev and writer-journalist - Otegen Abdiraman. State prize winner of RK, scientist, writer - Koishigara Salgarin and writer, playwright - Tolen Abdik were honoured guests of  this evening.


"Hero of the day" Akylbek Shayakhmet gave attention to the readers and awarded them by own verses.