Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

"Student spring festival - 2016". Achievements of our students

On May 13-14, 2016, the annual "Student spring festival - 2016" took place in Kostanay. This year the Student spring festival passed on the basis of Kostanay academy Ministry of Internal Affairs of RK for the 22nd time.  

студ. весна

The festival was opened by the debate tournament "Youth is Future of Kazakhstan"; our university was represented by two teams. In the Russian league our students were strongest and took the 1st place. Askar Segizbayev became the best speaker in the Russian league. The Kazakh league took the 1 and 2 places, and the nomination "the best speaker" was given to Zhuman Suleymen.


A lot of humour and laughter is Club of Funny and Inventive "Kazakhstan yesterday, today, and tomorrow". In this competition our university was represented by “Hollywood” team.


Dariya Shilova, is a chairman of the high student council of KSU, was awarded by the diploma of the akim of Kostanay region for active participation in public life of university and city.


Sports passions didn't cease in a sports complex of Academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of RK. Within the festival, the list of competitions included volleyball, mini-soccer, relay, presidential mile, "Kazakh kuresy" wrestling, militarized relay. Our team took the 3rd place in the militarized relay. And the mini-soccer national team of KSU received the 2nd place. Rassul Berdyguzhinov was recognized as the best goalkeeper.     


Our students surprised us with talents. They prepared performances, in which our university took the 2nd place in the competition "Cultural heritage". Pride of university choreographic ensemble “Badrisafa” was awarded in the nomination "Best Dance".


“Grace and beauty” was the motto of the competition "Spring Duet — 2016". Orynbassar Sakenov and Aigerim Arystanova pleased us with bright and creative performances. 

куль. наслед.  

The festival ended by the gala concert, at which the Head of Kostanay academy of Ministry of Internal Affairs of RK handed a symbolical key of "Student spring festival" to the rector of M. Dulatov Kostanay Engineering University Economic, who will receive guests in next year.