Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

House to Bazarov’s family - Every little bit helps

With the appeal «House to Bazarov’s family - Every little bit helps», Liliya Vaganovna Sarkissyan adressed students and teacher of KSU. Everybody knows about the accident, which was happened with the family of school teacher of mathematics, father of four children Yerbol Bazarov. They came to our country from Uzbekistan 5 years ago. They don’t have relatives here, so when the accident happened, they didn’t have anywhere else to go. Thanks to kind people, who gave houseroom to Bazarov’s. Their house was burning, when the owners weren’t home. The family stayed in the hard situation. The professor of the psychology and pedagogy department, the chairman of regional council of mothers to the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Liliya Sarkissyan learnt about this situation. She determined to help Bazarov’s family and began the activity. The rector of A.Baitursynov KSU Khussain Khassenovich Valiyev responded to the call for assistance.

The academic teaching staff, staff of University, trade union organization of KSU under the leadership of the chairman Nurlan Bekentayevich Mamiyev and students supported this idea. Within 3 days, the amount for buying the house to Bazarov’s family was collected. One and a half million were collected. The amount was enough for buying house and furniture.

On December 15, on the eve of celebration of the day of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the chairman of the union committee Nurlan Bekentayevich Mamiyev, professor of the psychology and pedagogy department, chairman of regional council of mothers to the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Liliya Vaganovna Sarkissyan, the head specialist of strategic development department, associate professor of informatics and mathematics department Meirambek Gabdualiyevich Tastanov, chairman of students’ union committee of KSU Aslan Manatov went to Bazarov’s family and gave the collected money in order to they could buy house. We want to wish many years of happy life to Bazarov’s family. We thanks everybody, who helped to this family. The goodness, which we made, will live in history of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University forever. It will come back doubly to us. So let's do well every day!