Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific and practical conference devoted to 25 anniversary of Independence of RK

"Generation of independence: reality and prospects of youth science development".


Traditionally student's conference holds in the spring in our university, which acquires the regional status. Present objectives are the presentation of the received researches, which in the subsequent will be submitted for protection of the master, doctoral dissertation, or theses of a bachelor degree. Also objectives of masses attracting are set. Students of various faculties, who were selected and got the experience of scientific work, can present the materials before wide range of scientific community. The theme of conference "Generation of independence: reality and prospects of youth science development" is devoted to the 25 anniversary of Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan.



The work of conference took place in 7 sections: agricultural and biological sciences, veterinary and agricultural sciences, engineering technical sciences, social and human sciences, physical and mathematical and information sciences, economics sciences. Teachers, students, master students, doctoral candidates and rather wide range of participants were invited on sections. At the end of conference the results were summed up and winners are defined. The participants, who won 1, 2 and 3 places, received diplomas and memorable prizes.



Student’s full name

Section 1 – Agricultural and biological sciences

I Degree Diploma

Yelena Gerner

II Degree Diploma

Gulnara Tuzelbayeva

II Degree Diploma

Aleksey Guze

III Degree Diploma

Lyana Zhanissova

Section 2 – Veterinary and agricultural sciences

I Degree Diploma

Zhassagan Baimakanov, Alibek Massalimov

II Degree Diploma

Yekaterina Gan

III Degree Diploma

Irina Abramova

Section 3 – Engineering technical  sciences

I Degree Diploma

Akmaral Yekremkanova

II Degree Diploma

Ashkan Kossovskiy

III Degree Diploma

Zhanar Zharasbayeva

Section 4 – Historical and juridical sciences

I Degree Diploma

Tlegen Zhangeldin

II Degree Diploma

Kristina Kuzmina

III Degree Diploma

Oral Takirov

Section 5 – Social and human sciences

I Degree Diploma

Olga Sunyaikina

II Degree Diploma

Zhansaya Kussainova

III Degree Diploma

Almagul Akylbekova

Section – Physical and mathematical and information sciences

I Degree Diploma

Dana Makishova

II Degree Diploma

Viktoriya Ivanova

III Degree Diploma

Anar Sadman

Section 7 – Economics sciences

I Degree Diploma

Roman Balkin

II Degree Diploma

Rustam Utebayev

III Degree Diploma

Inkar Kurmantay