Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Round table on topic «Organization of practice-oriented classes»

On October 6, 2016, the round table took place at the Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty. It is not a coincidence, that the topic of planned action «Organization of practice-oriented classes» wasselected and directed at popularization of State programme of education development in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The round table was held with the participation of academic teaching staff of faculty, representatives of registration department, KSU curriculum and instruction department, lead specialists from enterprises and final-year students, master students and postdoctoral students. The programme included the following subjects:

The question about training of skilled workers at the Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty, which presented by the Vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs Zh.B.Zharlygassov and dean of Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty A.Zh.Issabayev. 

The question about connection of science with production, which introduced the general director «Turar» LLP K.B.Ospanov and academic adviser «Turar» LLP, candidate of agricultural sciences M.Zh.Zhussupov, main specialist of educational and methodical management K.Ye.Orynbayeva.

The professor of Veterenary and Livestock Technology department B.M.Muslimov and professor of Veterinary Medicine department V.I.Piontkovskiy summarized the discussion of the round table.

The moderator of round table was head of Veterinary Medicine department,  phD M.Zh.Aubakirov.

Participants of the round table:

-academic teaching staff;

- 3-4 year students;

-master students;

- postdoctoral students.

Opening speech of KSU Vice-rector for scientific work and external affairs - Zh.B.Zharlygassov

Statement of the general director «Turar» LLP K.B.Ospanov


Participants and listeners of round table intensely discussed touched topics. The particular interest was expressed in the question of mastering of practical skills of professional work, new technologies of feed measuring quality, reproduction technology of herd of cattle by students, master students, and postdoctoral students of VLTF. Some proposals for improving the quality of educational process were introduced at the end of discussion. Students need to master methods of work on new equipment and to take an interest in education and practical work.  The meeting with management of «Turar» LLP was organized for these reasons. The main result of the round table was that the contract of collaborative cooperation of University and enterprise about practice-oriented classes holding will be signed.

Making the decisions of the round table

In general, we consider that the purpose of the round table was achieved, parties reached an agreement about mutually beneficial partnership and further work, directed at education quality improving.