Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Perspective cooperation

On May 23, 2016, the professor Daniel Raichvarg from University of Burgundy (France) visited A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The purpose of visit is a discussion of the perspective directions of cooperation between two universities. The professor Daniel Raichvarg presented University of Burgundy, having pointed on the perspective directions of cooperation, including mobility of students. Also the online conversation with Director of Automobile and Sustainable Development Institute of University of Burgundy and Head of International Department took place during which prospects of mutual cooperation for development of master programs have been discussed.




Scientific and academic interaction of A. Baitursynov KSU and University of Burgundy will be implemented in the following areas:


• Mechanical engineering (production of vehicles, its parts, equipment and engines; production of agricultural machinery; mechatronics);

• Food production (technology of processing of dairy products, technology of processing of meat products, production of flour and pasta products, production of vegetable oils and fats, etc.)

