Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Scientific and practical conference "Strategy 2050" - the main resource of Kazakhstan in the conditions of global modernity challenges"

Domestic policy management of Kostanay region akimat and “D-Consulting” LLP hold scientific and practical conference

"Strategy 2050" - the main resource of Kazakhstan in the conditions of global modernity challenges"






Dear colleagues!

We invite you to take part in the scientific and practical conference "Strategy 2050" – the main resource of Kazakhstan in the conditions of global modernity challenges" with possibility of participation in the intramural and extramural form.

The main purpose of conference is an explanation and promotion of the main priorities of the Message of the Republic of Kazakhstan President to the people of Kazakhstan "Nurly zhol – a way in the future", Strategy of Kazakhstan development till 2050, Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps", increase of the support level in the public consciousness of the state policy of country; ensuring of the nation unity and strengthening of Kazakhstan patriotism with attracting of scientific community.


 The conference will pass on December 11, 2015 (the place is clarified).

To the participation in the work of conference the academic teaching staff of higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan, PhD students, post-graduate students, master students, public and political figures, public sector workers and public servants are invited.

The working languages of conference: Kazakh, Russian

The conference is held in the following directions:

  • "Nurly zhol" - the program of Kazakhstan entrance into 30 developed countries of the world;
  • Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps" – the five institutional reforms of social and economic modernization of the country;
  • The reforming of education standards on the basis of programming in educational process of values “Mangilik El”;
  • The legal instruments of the constitutional system improvement of the state in the light of the 20 anniversary of the Basic law;
  • Kazakhstan historical and cultural heritage as factor of consolidation and unity of citizens (including anniversary events of 2015: 550 anniversaries of the Kazakh khanate, 70 anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945, 20 anniversary of formation of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan).


The forms of participation in conference:

  • Plenary report;
  • Performance on panel discussions;
  • Participation in the performances discussion.


The applications on participation in the scientific and practical conference, texts of reports are accepted in electronic format till November 25, 2015. The expenses connected with participation in conference are provided at the expense of participants.


The application on participation in the scientific and practical conference "Strategy 2050" - the main resource of Kazakhstan in the conditions of global modernity challenges"

  1. Full name (completely), position, academic degree, academic status;
  2. Place of work (study);
  3. The research advisor (if it is necessary): Full name, position, academic degree, academic status;
  4. Direction of conference;
  5. Report theme.


The rules for authors

The materials of scientific and practical conference will be published in the collection of reports and performances. For participants of conference the publication is free.

At the execution of materials it is necessary to be guided by the following rules:

The texts of reports are submitted in the electronic form with content no more than 5 pages in the Word text editor. The type should be Times New Roman, size - 14, line style - 1, field - 20 mm from all directions, paragraph indention - 125 mm, alignment on width without wrappings, illustration and tables are provided on sheets of the A-4 format in the Word editor.

On the first page in the right top corner – surname and initials, position, academic degree, academic status of the author; name of the organization and city of the author is lower; the research advisor –full name, position, academic degree and academic status is lower. Through the space on the next line with alignment on the center is the name of the report with capital letters; below with lower case through 1 interval the summary with content no more than 2-3 offers on two languages (Kazakh, Russian); through 2 intervals – the text of the report.

All formulas in the text are numbered from the right side. Under formulas the full interpretation of symbols (signs) is given.

The bibliography of literature is placed in the end and is executed according to the rules of the bibliographic description. The link references on the literature in the text are designated by the Arab figures in square brackets (not to make references by lines). Tabular footnotes are under the table.

ATTENTION: the authors is responsible for the content of article, the reports, which aren't conforming to the requirements, won't be accepted to the publication.


Organizing committee:

Kostanay, 1 Maya street, 151

Contact persons:

Potapenko Marina Aleksandrovna, the department head of the analysis and monitoring of Management of domestic policy, phone: 8-7142-575-194

Utebayeva Dinara Kairbekovna, the director of D-Consulting LLP, phone: 8-7142-54-14-69

e-mail: Kostanay-konferencia-2015@mail.ru