Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Methodical month of informatics and mathematics department

A set of activities were organized from April, 1 to 28, 2016 according to plan of holding methodical month of information technology faculty of informatics and mathematics department.

1) On April 11, 2016, the Internet Olympiad in subjects “Informatics and Mathematics” successfully come to the end, which were taking place at information technology faculty of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University during the period from April 5 to 11, 2016.


Olympiad held in online format.

32 participants from secondary educational institutions of region, which successfully showed the high standard of knowledge in subjects, participated in the Olympiad.

Winners of Online Olympiad became:

I place – Yelena Malova, Kostanay Pedagogical College;

II place – Aleksandr Meshkoy, “Druzhbinsk secondary school of Education Department of Akimat of Kostanay”;

III place – Yana Mukhina, Kostanay Pedagogical College;

III place – Darya Kotova, Kostanay Pedagogical College.

Winners and participants of Internet Olympiad were awarded by diplomas and certificates.


2)  On April 21, 2016, the teacher of informatics and mathematics department A. Zhambayeva gave open practical classes on the discipline Informatics in the group 15-501-32 of 5B050800-Accounting and audit specialty in 249 auditorium of economics faculty since 13.30 till 15.20. The subject of practical classes is "Information security and its components". The teacher presented all planned material, the purpose of practical lesson was achieved, the objectives, concerning examination, are executed.


Students performed the task of practical work in the format of solution of a crossword puzzle and participation in a didactic game. During the lesson, the cognitive interest of students had been seen. An aspiration to independent cognition of this work appeared. Additional recommendations for independent studying have been offered to students.


At the end of lesson, results and conclusions were made on the learnt material. Marks were given to students. The head of department, Candidate of Engineering Sciences, associate professor S.A.Kudubayeva, head teachers G.N.Yermagambetova, G.N.Kalakova, B.E.Tanykpayeva and teacher A.B.Nurkhanova visited the lesson.


3) On the basis of the principle of continuity and succession, with the purpose of effective introduction of the European model of educational programs development according to the Dublin descriptors and requirements of labor market, the seminar "Improvement of modular educational programs", which moderators were associate professor of department R.Ysmagul and head teachers G. Yermagambetova, G. Berdenova, was held on April 20.

Improvement of modular educational programs is a process of educational programs formation on the input and output, taking into account requirement and satisfaction of labor market.

Development of educational programs was analyzed and planned at the seminar. Trajectories of educational programs were discussed. The informatics and mathematics department decided to continue the use of system of educational programs in the European way.


4) On April 28, 2016, the head teacher of informatics and mathematics department G.N.Yermagambetova held an open lesson on the discipline "Informatics" on the subject: «Electronic education of “E-Learning”. Main methods and components of “E-Learning”» in audience No. 246 of economics faculty with 1 year students of veterinary medicine specialty. The basics of electronic education of e-Learning were considered on the lesson and main technologies and means of e-Learning were discussed.  The practical questions, concerning creating a distance-learning course, were considered. As the result of lesson, students made tasks for a crossword puzzle on the example “HOT POTATOES” program. The open lesson were given at the high theoretical and practical level, students took active part in discussion of present system of distance learning problems in the country.