Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Course - industrial development of country

The main task, which was identified in the Strategy “Kazakhstan 2050”, is a task of industrial and innovative development of the country. This task is even more important because it is not only way to maintain economic independence in modern society, but also   sovereignty.

The only possible way of solution of this task is an integration of education, science and industry.

On 7 March as part of the strategy, the round table with lecturers of institutions and organizations, which worked together with biology and chemistry department as bases for practice and as branches, was held at biology and chemistry department of ABF of KSU. Among the guests were specialists of natural resources and environmental management’s department of Kostanay region’s akimat, specialists of land register and technical survey of real estate’s department, workers of “KostanayZelenstroi” LLP and designer of “Landshaftny dizain” SP.

The topic of discussion “Expanding of learning environment as a condition of development of professional competences of students” was expressed by a big interest of participants because it was devoted to current issues: how to increase the competitiveness of our graduates? How to ensure that our graduates would be in demand on the labour market?

The participants consisted of two sides: lecturers and students of University from one side and from the other side, the representatives of organizations for whom our students are learning. Both sides already have an experience of collaboration. The practice-oriented courses were organized and also the students of “Biology” specialty have production practice on the basis of the organization, which are implementing practice of forest husbandry and landscape construction.

On the round table, leading specialists of production enterprises shared own thoughts on questions: how to improve the programmes, ESC, structure, content of the professional education of the specialty for training of the competent specialists? Which new tasks faced by the enterprises, organizations at the current stage of industrial and innovative development of Kazakhstan? Which new technologies the future specialists should study?

The meeting had proved fruitful. The specialists of forestry enterprise “Prigorodniy” made interesting recommendations. They also proposed interesting courses as “Entrepreneurial study”, “Forest estimation”. The representative of branch of “State corporation government for citizens” noncommercial JSC demonstrated positive approach by the invitation of graduate students of the year as specialists of field expeditions on the development of the land register. The representatives of “Landshaftny dizain” SP expressed the interest in the scientific-research cooperation. During the meeting, the agreement on contract signing for passing the professional practice was concluded on the basis of land register and technical survey of real estate’s department.