Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Round table: “Volunteering and charity: kind impulse or necessity?”

The university-wide round table “Volunteering and charity: kind impulse or necessity?” took place at the reading room of humanities and social sciences faculty of KSU under the guidance of the head teacher of psychology and pedagogy department O.V.Yelchishcheva.

The experts-professors participated in the round table. They were doctor of veterinary sciences V.I. Gershun, candidate of psychological sciences L.V.Sarkisyan, invited guests: vice principal of Adaptation Centre of Minors of Kostanay S.G.Naurzbekova, psychologist of Adaptation Centre for women and children of Kostanay O.A.Vlassova, psychologist of gymnasium school named after M.Gorkiy D.S.Turkestanova, representative of high student’s council of KSU A.Manatov and 4 year student of psychology specialty. Students and specialists shared their extensive experience of participation in such events, projects and campaign, inspiring and motivating all participants to join them.

Also representatives of University faculties took active part. Both lecturers and students actively take interest and engage in volunteering and charity. Students told about their volunteerism and charity work, described the impressions, together made the decisions, told about acquired skill and abilities, proposed the ideas for new collaborative projects.

The round table was held in interactive regime and friendly atmosphere.

At the end of the round table, participants created the extemporaneous board of gratitude, where everyone can write kind words to own significant person.