Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

IsisEnterprise consultants of Oxford University Doctor Natan Payk and Eva Baltar held training in KSU

On June 23, 2016, the training on Commercialization of research projects took place in A.Baitursynov KSU within the intergovernmental Kazakhstan-British program "Newton — Al-Farabi". Purpose of this training is skills strengthening of researchers for cooperation between science and business, and  also information  receiving about experience of technology transfer in Great Britain. This training was provided by IsisEnterprise consultants of the Oxford University Doctor Nathan Payk and Eva Baltar to help Kazakhstan researchers find sources of innovations, to learn to develop its and to commercialize.


11 representatives of University took part in the training:

1. D.A.Kacheyev- head teacher of philosophy department, Candidate of Philosophical Science, master of history;

2. G.B.Yunussova - head of economic department, Candidate of Engineering Science;

3.B.Z.Akhmetova - head of languages and literature’s theory department, Candidate of Philological Sciences, VAK of RK associate professor;

4. D.O.Toshomanova – head teacher of languages and literature’s theory department, master of philosophy;

5. N.Sh.Manasbayeva - teacher of foreign philology department, master of humanities;

6. A.S.Sarbassova - teacher of foreign philology department, master of humanities;

7. Zh.Zh.Bermukhametov – teacher of veterinary and livestock technology department, master of engineering;

8. G.A.Abileva – teacher of biology and chemistry, master of natural science;

9. G.Yermagambetova – head teacher of informatics and mathematics department, master of natural science;

10. D.A.Ryumin - teacher of informatics and mathematics department, master of natural science;

11. A.E.Abdibekova – head of Linguistic Research Laboratory, master of humanities.


As a result, the scientists, who have taken part in training, will be able to increase quality of researches of their institutions, and also rating and reputation in the international research community.


KSU press secretary: A. Chechyotkina