Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Remembrance Day of political repressions

May 31 is Remembrance Day of political repressions. This date reminds us about heavy moments in the history of our country. Many scientists, people of art were repressed. In the 1930s, about 1,5 million people had been moved to our country. Traditionally on May 31, meeting is being held at the monument to the victims of mass political repressions. It is not a coincidence that the monument represents the fragment of prison cell with the broken grating from where birds fly on freedom. It is a call for each person to eternal memory of people, whose names were forgotten. In Kazakhstan, more than 100 thousand people have been repressed, about 25 thousand have been shot. In Kostanay region, about four thousand people have been repressed. The obelisk was opened in 2003 by the initiative of the chairman of regional branch of the "For Legal Kazakhstan"civil movement  Mikhail Dauyenov.   




Representative of the German ethnocultural association, daughter of the repressed family, Izolda Kravets has told about the destiny: how she was got in Kazakhstan and what she and her family had endured during totalitarian regime.




Doctor of Philological Sciences, Professor, Vice - Rector for academic affairs and educational work of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University - Almasbek Absadykov and akim of Kostanay region - Arkhimed Mukhambetov have noted, that a debt of each Kazakhstan citizen to remember tragedies of totalitarian regime.   


Alyona Ungefug is the first year student, HSSF