Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Financier Day and Day of National Currency - tenge

On November 15, 2016, the Financier Day was celebrated according to the tradition at the economic faculty. Academic teaching staff of Finance and Banking Department and students of Finance speciality celebrated the professional holiday - Financier Day. Also this holiday is connected with the introduction of national currency - tenge  in circulation. The competition among groups of department on the best wall newspaper was announced on the eve of holiday.

As part of the celebration of Financier Day, the students of all courses of Finance speciality under the leadership of teacher A.S.Salkina, who responsible for educational work of department, were organized holiday actions, which included: congratulations of Academic teaching staff and concert programme. Students wished each other to become first-class, competitive and conscientious specialists just like teachers of University.