Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Competition of «Bolashak»

According to the Development Strategy of Council of Associations, large social projects are being implemented until 2017 in the field of knowledge transfer, development of youth entrepreneurship, sport and charity.

Competition of business ideas «Startup «Bolashak» is realized from 2015 by our organization together with the fund «Damu» in the direction of development and support of youth entrepreneurship.


Young people, entrepreneurs aged between 18 and 29 take part in the competition. Two thousand applications were submitted from all Kazakhstan in the last year. The competition final was in November 21, 2015, in which finalists received grants on the development of their business projects with a total amount of more than 33 million tenge.


«Bolashak» Association together with the fund «Damu» announces about starting the second republic competition of business projects for start-up entrepreneurs. The competition purpose is the support of business initiative of young Kazakhstan citizens.


Young businessmen aged between 18 and 29 from all Kazakhstan can take part in the contest. The competition provides 3 grants of «Bolashak» Association, for the first place - 7 million, for the second place - 6 million, for the third place - 5 million.


Also 15 million tenge is provided on grants for Program Development of United Nations Organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan at the financial assistance of European Union on realization of start up in the field of «green economy».


Besides, authors of more interesting ideas can receive investment from investors, and also the support from the fund «Damu».


The final date of acceptance of applications for participation is September 23 inclusive, documents will be taken in all regional Centres of service support to entrepreneurs of the fund «Damu». Winners will be known on the Marathon of business plans in November 26.


You can watch the "Startup "Bolashak" competition on one of republican TV channels, where the broadcasting of the contest is supposed in a reality show format.   


The competition of start up project of «Bolashak» Association as one of instruments of support of youth initiative in the business directed to promoting realization of National Plan of the President «100 specific steps».


More information about competition conditions and acceptance of applications on the sites www.bolashak.kz  and  www.damu.kz. Telephone number: +7 7172 707 669.


Organizers and partners of competition: «Bolashak» Association, development fund of entrepreneurship «Damu», Program Development of United Nations Organizations in the Republic of Kazakhstan.


Sponsors: «KazInvestBank» JSC and «Qazaq Banki» JSC.




The «Startup «Bolashak» competition is held on the direction of development of business environment within project «Bolashak» Association «25 good deeds», devoted to the 25th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan and 15th anniversary of Association.


The project includes 8 directions: improvement of business environment, environmental protection, education, public health, charity, development of physical culture and sport, cultural and patriotic events.


The development of youth entrepreneurship is one of important directions of Development Strategy of «Bolashak» Association, accepted in 2015, including knowledge transfer, charity and promotion of healthy lifestyles.