Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Salamatova Bibigul Ziyadinovna



Salamatova Bibigul Ziyadinovna




Senior lecturer of the Department of Criminal Law and Procedure


Master of law




E-mail: salamatova_bibig@mail.ru








2004    A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University



2009    A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University

Law (magistracy)




Subjects taught


  • Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan


  • Court proceedings in the criminal process
  • Lawyer studies
  • Judicial expertise
  • External evaluation of educational achievements in the discipline « Criminal procedural law of the Republic of Kazakhstan »





Scientific and methodological publications

Salamatova B.Z. Features of remote interrogation in criminal proceedings // Scientific and practical conference "Baitursynov Readings - 2016": "Science, production, business: the current state and ways of innovative development of the country". – Kostanay, 2016. – P. 50-52                      

Salamatova B.Z., Brimzhanov R. Some aspects of implementation of individual victimological prevention of violent crime in correctional institutions // Collection of scientific articles of undergraduates. – Kostanay, 2016. – P. 155-157

Salamatova B. Z., Sadvokasova S. Zh. Problematic aspects of the lawyer's participation in the criminal process // Topical issues of modern student science: problems and solutions (to the 145th anniversary of the birth of Akhmet Baitursynov)": Mat-ly inter. stud. science.-prakt. Conf. – Kostanai: Kostanai state University im. A. Baitursynova, 2017. – P. 112-115.



Advanced training

•  Formation of psychological competence // Project "Corporate training" KSU. A. Baitursynova. - Kostanay, 2016

•  Design of automated test survey in Moodle 2.6. // KSU them. A. Baitursynova. -Kostanay, 2016

•  Pedagogical innovations in education, Omsk state pedagogical University. – Omsk, 2017

•  Forms of pre-trial investigation. The procedure for pre-trial investigation of criminal misconduct. // Training center of the Ministry of internal Affairs of RK. – Kostanay, 2017

•  Corruption offenses and responsibility for their Commission // Training center of the Ministry of internal Affairs. – Kostanay, 2017

Extremism and terrorism: typology, motives and threat factors // Training center of the Ministry of internal Affairs. – Kostanay, 2018

•  Innovative technologies of higher education // South Ural state University. – Chelyabinsk, 2018

•  Formation of research competencies of students // South Ural state University. – Chelyabinsk, 2018

•  Test design in the distance learning system Moodle // KSU. A. Baitursynova. - Kostanay, 2019

Modern problems of criminal policy // International conference dedicated to the memory of the Honored worker of science and technology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, doctor of legal Sciences, Professor Kairzhanov of Elegana of Izteleuova. – Kostanay, 2019

•  Methodology and technology of webinars on Etutorium // KSU. A. Baitursynova. -Kostanay, 2019

•  Technologies of education at the University // SP Center of educational and legal technologies "Partner" – Karaganda, 2019