Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Student Dean's office


The main function of the student dean's office is to involve students in different activities at the faculty.


The main goal of the student dean's office  is involving students in the decision making process, which affects their interests, the development of creativity and professional growth, the moral orientation, self-realization in all spheres of life.





The structure of the student dean`s office of the faculty 




Toleubaev Askhat Nurlanovich

Date of birth: 27.09.1993


He finished Kostanay school № 2 

He is studying at the State University, specialty "Technological machines and equipment," group 11-101-41

Telephones: 8-705-989-14-13, 8-702-701-96-54

E-mail: askhat.17 @ mail.ru







Ospanova Elmira Merekekyzy


Date of Birth: 14.12.1994




She finished Altynsarin Kostanay school for gifted children

She is studying at KSU, specialty “Electroenergetics", group 12-100-30.

Telephone: 8-775-165-69-69

E-mail: mika4ka_94@mail.ru




Grigorenko Igor Sergeevich


Date of birth: 19.03.1993


 He finished Kostanay school № 30.

He is studying at KSU, specialty "Transport, transport equipment and technology,"

group 11-101-21

Telephone: 8-777-759-13-74

E-mail: grigorenko-is@mail.ru







Ayupova Fariza Seilkhanovna 


Date of birth: 23.11.1991


In 2010 she finished  high school and entered A.Baitursynov KSU, specialty "Transport, transport equipment and technology." 





Erezhepova Damira


Date of birth: 5.08. 1993


 She finished Novoishimskaya high school. In 2011 she entered  Kostanai State University,  specialty 5B071800 Electric Utilities. 








Tashatov Aziz Baimagambetovich 

Date of birth: 24.04.1993


He finished T.Bigildinova Karaganda Republican boarding school.

He is a a student of the specialty "Agricultural machinery and technology," group 11-101-51

Telephone: 8 (702) 402 39 39

E-mail: tashatov-aziz@mail.ru







Baikadamov Arman Muratovich



Date of birth: 03.11.1994


Telephones: 8-707-665-62-59, 8-701-170-82-63

E-mail: arman-baikadamov@mail.ru








Abdulina Zhanel Maralovna 



Date of birth: 25.10.1991


Since 2011, she is the chairman of the trade union committee of the faculty.

In 2012 she took part in the competition of business projects "Atameken Startup» on «Mobile emergency service", where she took the third place.

She takes an active part in the cultural and social life of the faculty and the university.








Burbaev Marat Bulatovich


Date of birth: 3.07.1992



In 2010 he finished high school and entered KSU, specialty "Transport, transport equipment and technology".

He takes an active part in the cultural and social life of the faculty and the university.