About the faculty
There are three departments at the Faculty:
- electricity energetics and physics;
- technical service;
- machines, tractors and vehicles.
There are 49 teachers: 5 Doctors of Science, 20 candidates and 2 Masters among them.
Over 600 undergraduates and postgraduates are enrolled to study 5 undergraduate programmes: "Agricultural Engineering and Technology", "Technological machines and equipment", "Transport, transport equipment and technology", "Electricity energetics", "Physics" and 4 graduate programmes: "Agricultural engineering and Technology "," Technological machines and equipment "," Electricity energetics "and" Physics ".
In accordance with the needs of the labor market, taking into account the demands of employers and students, there are 2-3 educational programmes in each study programme.
The faculty has sufficient material and technical base. The department laboratories are equipped with the necessary training and laboratory facilities for learning the subjects.
The laboratory of the department of technological machinery and equipment
The training car park of the department of machinery, tractors and vehicles |
The laboratory "Radio physics" of the department of electricity energetics and physics |
The faculty takes part in academic mobility of the students and teachers:
- Yadykina Evgeniya , student, 2011 , Nitra , Slovak University of Agriculture, Slovakia, the international program CASIA;
- Zhumeykin Nurlan , postgraduate, Czech University of Life Sciences, Prague , Czech Republic, 2012;
- 1st-year postgraduates, traineeship, Belarussian Agrarian Technical University , Minsk , Belarus, 2012;
- Mukhametzhanov Radmir , University of Chemical Technology and Metallurgy, Sofia , Bulgaria;
- Itischeva Saltanat, student, traineeship at the International Center for Advanced Study in the field of agricultural sciences SupAgro Montpellier, 2013 , France.
The student of the specialty "Electricity energetics" Yev. Yadykina in Slovakia on the international program CASIA
The postgraduates of the specialty "Agricultural Engineering and Technology" on probation at Belarusian Agrarian Technical University
The postgraduate of the specialty "Agricultural Engineering and Technology" N.Zhumeykin in the Czech Republic
The necessary condition for successful training is the practice - educational, working, pre-diploma practice. The students of the faculty practise at the leading specialized enterprises of Kostanai region, where many employers and employees are the graduates of the engineering faculty. In the course of daily practice the students use the knowledge and skills learnt in the university, work on the machines, take part in repairs, maintenance of the technological equipment, calibration of the equipment.
The undergraduates have practice in the following leading enterprises of Kostanai region : JSC "AgromashHolding ", LLP "Agrotechmash", LLP "Dormash", "Kazakhtelecom", LLP "KazNIIMESKH ", LLP "Eurasia Group", LLP "Rostsel'mash Service Center ", "EPA Forfayt” LLP "KEC ", JSC "Mezhregionenergotranzit", LLP" Kostanayelektromontazh” , JSC «Kegos», JSC “National Administration “KazAgro Holding" LLP "Avtodom”, LLP "Ivolga". In these enterprises excursions and training are held to practice skills in working conditions.
There are some advantages of the cooperation of the faculty and employers. They are as follows: the participation of the employers in drawing up training plans, conducting practical training in the enterprises, conducting job fairs; presidency in the state examination committee, work of the board of sponsors , employment of the graduates in the leading enterprises of the city, Kostanai region and other regions of the country.
The students of the faculty on practice in JSC "AgromashHolding"
The practice of the students of the specialty "Electricity energetics" in JSC «Kegos»
The students of the faculty are mending the combine-havester "Dzhondir"
The students of the faculty are on excursion in the auto repair enterprise
The students` tour to the substation of JSC «Kegos»
Practical training at the diesel plant
The students of the faculty are actively involved in doing research and business projects. As the students' achievements in recent years, we notice their participation and prizes in the following competitions:
The name of the contest |
prize |
Responsible students |
teachers |
The Republican contest "Innovative Kazakhstan among young students and young entrepreneurs, dedicated to the 20th anniversary of the independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan |
1st place |
Baizhanova G.,Klimenko E., Martynyuk Yur. |
Poeszhalov V.M. |
The 4th national design competition among students and undergraduates on energy saving and lighting |
2nd place |
Martynyuk Yur. |
Poeszhalov V.M. |
The competition of business projects "Parasat Zhastary" |
Baizhanova G.,Klimenko E. |
Poeszhalov V.M. |
The Republican contest “Atameken – Start Up” |
3rd place |
Martynyuk Yur., Baynyashev A., Nauryzbaev Zh. |
Poeszhalov V.M. |
The Republican contest “Atameken – Start Up” |
3rd place |
Abdulina Zh., Yerzhanov D. |
Isintaev T.I. |
The Republican contest of student projects |
2nd place |
Pogrebnyak G. |
Balakleyskaya L.A. |
The participation of the students in the Faculty Student Conference |
The participation of students of the specialty "Electricity energetics" in the experimental studies in the laboratory "Relay Protection and Automation"
The winners of the Republican contest “Atameken – StartUp”
In 2011 within the international project Tempus the Master's program "Eco-Engineering"- processing of natural resources and generating energy based on renewable and biological waste (partner countries - Germany, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Russia) was introduced. The teachers have made a curriculum plan for postgraduate specialty "Electricity energetics" and the first postgraduates are enrolled.