Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Akhmet Baitursynov Museum


A special pride of the University is the Museum of Akhmet Baitursynov dedicated to this great scholar and statesman. The museum has become a real methodological centre for teachers and students. It has become a tradition to hold the most significant events in the museum: Baytursynov lessons, model lessons and lectures.
Beside students, school and college students, university guests and just inquiring people visit the museum. Here you are alone with the history ... You feel awe at the sight of old photos with Kazakh villages, household items: wooden dishes, mortars for tobacco, irons on hot coals – and you are imbued with the spirit of that now far away epoch –  the late XIX century .

Kostanai State University in 1996 by the Act of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan was named after Akhmet Baitursynov, and the museum opened two years later – in 1998 in honour of the 125th anniversary of the birth of Baitursynov. Much credit for the opening of the Ahmet Baitursynov Museum belongs to the rector of the university, academician Aldamzhar Z.A.
Honorable mission of opening the museum was completed by  Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrymbek Eleuovich Kusherbayev and writer Tolen Abdikov.
Originally, the museum was located in the main building of the University.

The museum was created virtually from scratch. The main problem was the lack of exhibits.



So the first thing that the museum staff did was to organize the expedition called "Akzhol" among the faculty. It was headed by the grandson of Akhmet – Ilyas Baitursynov. Its main purpose was to visit the homeland of Akhmet Baitursynov – Zhangeldinsky region, to meet with the residents of this legendary land that gave the world many famous warriors, poets, scientists, including the greatest educator, teacher, writer - Akhmet Baitursynov.
The members of the expedition began their way to places of life and work of Akhmet Baitursynov with a visit to the tract Sarytubek that is located on the scenic shores of Lake Akkol. It was where Akhmet Baitursynov was born in 1873and raised. It was not an easy life. Almost since the age of 13, the boy was growing up without a father, who had been exiled to Siberia for his rebellious character.




However, Akhmet did not give up under the weight of want and poverty. He was able, in spite of all obstacles to complete Russian-Kazakh school based at Torgai in 1864 by Ibrai Altynsarin and then Orenburg teacher training school. After graduation he was invited to work as an editor in the first national newspaper "Kazakh". Thus his labor activity began.
One of the main merits, which Ahmet Baitursynov reached during his life was the creation of the Kazakh "Primer", he was his first author. He wrote a lot of other important educational manuals, which today are no less valid.



In 2003, the museum celebrated a little anniversary – its fifth anniversary. During this time, there appeared about 1,500 exhibits telling about the life of an outstanding, talented man – Akhmet Baitursynov.
Among the museum's exhibits are photographs from home of Baitursynov – Sarytubek tract at the mouth of rivers the Zhelanchik and the Akkol. His father's house was not preserved. But the expedition found its foundation, photographed grave of his grandparents, father, and brother at Sarytubek old cemetery. A handful of earth from the grave of Baitursynov’s father, a brick from the foundation of the house, numerous publications on the results of the expedition and the diaries of participants, and further published book "Cradle" have found a worthy place in the museum. 




Here are stored truly unique things: the original lifetime collection of poems by A.Baitursynov "Masa" (in Russian - "Mosquito") and cane trimmed with silver, the first issue of the newspaper "Kazakh", published in 1913 in Orenburg. Its editor, as it is well known, was Akhmet Baitursynov, and Alikhan Bukeikhanov and Myrzhakyp Dulatov worked there. The newspaper was in demand: it was read in Russia and China. This is evidenced by forwarding card (distribution) of the publication.
Also there are photographs of loved ones and associates, family tree of Baitursynov things that relate to the period of his life.






The abundance of exhibits is striking. The museum collection is constantly updated. Former akim Umirzak Shukeyev donated a rare medal, "Man of the Century" with the image of A.Baitursynov to the museum. It was released on a limited edition by the decision of the Public Council, formed by the International Fund of Abylaikhan, Kazakh Society for the Preservation of Historical and Cultural Foundation "Altyn Adam". Bust of Akhmet Baitursynov was gifted to the museum by sculptor Adil Chutayev. Each gift has a place.





At the initiative of the rector of the University Nametov A.M. on April 15, 2010 the Museum of Akhmet Baitursynov was transferred from the main university building to a separate place – a building built in 1910, which at the beginning of 2010 was granted the status of historical.
Opening of the renovated museum is dedicated to the 70th anniversary of A.Baytursynov KSU. In the immediate surroundings of the museum there is a room, in which classes in Baitursynov study are held – the subject introduced in the curriculum of students at KSU. In a solemn ceremony the museum was opened by akim of Kostanai region Sergey Kulagin
The museum is living a full life: people from near and far abroad come here. The book of reviews contains a lot of grateful words to the founders of the museum, as well as the KSU Rector Aldamzhar Z.A., Valiyev H.H., Nametov A.M.




A.Baitursynov museum has been visited by many famous statesmen and public figures, scientists, writers, artists. Among them is the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, director of the Institute of History and Ethnology of the Republic of Kazakhstan, academician Manash Kabashevich Kozybaev, academicians Kenzhegali Sagadiev, Sagyndik Satybaldin.
Nursultan Nazarbayev, Minister of Culture Krymbek Kusherbayev, writer Tolen Abdikov, singer Rosa Rymbaeva, a political scientist Murat Auezov, Olympic champion Olga Shishigina left their autographs in the book of honorable guests. 





They, like many others, came here to pay tribute to the worthy son of Torgay land, repressed in 1937 and rehabilitated only 50 years later.