Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


Modern development of Kazakhstan is impossible without science, innovation technologies, implementation of scientific achievements into industry and education. Science and education play a great role in procuring dynamism of economics and political sustainability of Kazakhstani society, which is relevant today, when we are within European educational space.


Scientific research of the staff of A. Baitursynov Kostanai state university is carried out according to Comprehensive outline of Scientific research development within 2009 – 2015 and annual Scientific research outline in accordance with the University Development Strategy. 


Thus the aim of KSU staff concerning science and research is the formation of the “new generation” university combining education and research, design and technological projects and their implementation in accordance with the region’s development directions.


To achieve the aim some tasks for integration of science and industry are set: improving the effectiveness of research, university’s bias to applied research, improving post-graduate programmes quality in accordance with the demands of industry.


The staff is working at achieving the tasks set, further improvement  and achieving positive results of research, the university’s status improving. The vice-rector on science and international cooperation, department of science and post-graduate studies, international office coordinate this work.  


Research of the university is carried out in Economics of Agriculture, Plant Study, Cultivation of Soil, Agricultural Chemistry and Soil Study, Plant Protection, Microbiology, Veterinary and Animal Breeding, Animal and Plant Biotechnology, Automation and Electrification of Agriculture, IT- technologies, and Arts.


Fundamental and applied research is financed by the state budget and out-of-the-budget sources.


To prioritize scientific and innovation, improving effectiveness of research, enhancing science’s influence in solving educational tasks there created the Centre of Economic Research (CER), Innovation Science and Educational Centre (ISEC). The creation of the centres allows scientists, teachers, students, post-graduates of the university to carry out research in Economics, Agriculture, Biology and Veterinary. 

In 2018, the A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University on the results of the Competition of MES RK received grant funding for 6 research topics under the budget program 217 "Development of science", the routine 102 "Grant financing of scientific researches" in 2018-2020:




● Complex genetic marking of meat productivity in cattle of Hereford and Angus breeds of Kazakhstan selection by genes regulating growth rates

Executor of the project: Basova I. S. - head, division of molecular genetic research and testing laboratory of food production, candidate of agricultural Sciences




● Development and implementation of a comprehensive program to improve the productive longevity of high-yield cows of domestic breeding

Project Manager: Shikama G. I. - head of the Department of technology of production of livestock products, candidate of agricultural Sciences




● Molecular genetic analysis of gene pools of populations of rare plant species of Northern Kazakhstan.

Project Manager: Sultangazina G. Zh. - head of the Department of biology and chemistry of agrarian and biological faculty, PhD.N.



● Monitoring of antibiotic resistance of pathogens enteropathogenic zooantroponoznyh diseases in the Northern region of Kazakhstan

Project leader: Rusanova R. M. - head of the Department for immunobiological research and innovation centre, PhD





● Intensification of uranium extraction process by biotechnological method from poor ores of the Northern region of Kazakhstan.

Project Manager: H. H. Valiev - rector of A. Baitursynov Kostanay state University, doctor of technical Sciences, Professor



● Development of information automated system for processing input data obtained in the analysis of ore minerals complementary methods of complex x-ray studies, and its implementation in the form of software.

Project Manager: Medetov N. Ah. - Dean of the faculty of information technology, Ph. D.-M. N., associate Professor.


program and target financing on 1 subject of research on the budget program 217 "Development of science", the subprogram 101 "Program and target financing of subjects of scientific and/or scientific and technical activity" for 2018-2020:






● Comprehensive studies of the processes of ensuring the quality of products of machine-building enterprises and the formation of a system of normative documents to improve production efficiency.

Project Manager: Salykova O. S. - head of the Department of software, associate Professor of VAK, Ph. D.


 In 2015, KSU.A. baitursynova at the end of the Competition MES received grant funding on 14 topics of research under the program 120 "Grant funding for research" specificity 149 "other services and work" for 2015-2017.:  




● Creation of a domestic test system based on real-time polymerase chain reaction (RTPCR) for rapid diagnosis of animal clostridiosis and identification of Clostridium septicum strains in animal products and in environmental objects.

Project Manager: Tagaev O. O. - first Vice-rector, doctor of veterinary Sciences, associate Professor of veterinary sanitation.



● Development of highly specific and sensitive rapid tests based on DNA markers for the diagnosis of Fusarium of grain crops.

Project Manager: Kalimov N. E. - Dean of the faculty of agriculture and biology, candidate of agricultural Sciences.




Development of domestic test system based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time for identification of Yersinia enterocolitica strains and Yersinia pseudotuberculosis strains.

Project leader: Turebaev G. D. - associate Professor of the Department of veterinary medicine, candidate of veterinary Sciences.



●  Organization of centralized breeding records in horse breeding of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Project Manager: Brel-Kisileva I. M. - senior lecturer of the Department of technology of production of animal products, candidate of agricultural Sciences.



● Systems to reduce contamination with mycotoxins and pesticides as part of an integrated method of crop protection in the agricultural zone of Northern Kazakhstan.

Project Manager: Nugmanov A. B. - associate Professor of agronomy, candidate of agricultural Sciences, doctor of RHD.



Development of an IFA test system for determination of trenbolone in animal products.

Project Director: Ibragimov P. sh., Professor, Department of veterinary public health, doctor of veterinary Sciences.


● Study of real and potential sources of pain in different species of animals and development of a strategy for the use of analgesics.

Project leader: Rusanova P. M. - associate Professor, Department of veterinary medicine, candidate of veterinary Sciences.





● Screening for carrier mutations that determine the development of hereditary diseases and the development of genetic markers to identify meat productivity of breeding cattle of domestic selection.

Project Manager: A. M. Nametov - Professor of the Department of veterinary medicine, doctor of veterinary Sciences.




● Development of highly specific and sensitive rapid tests based on DNA markers for the diagnosis of economically significant fungi - pathogens of grain crops.

Project leader: Basova I. S. - associate Professor of biology and chemistry, candidate of agricultural Sciences.



● Development of technical means of feed preparation for agriculture of Kostanay region.

Project Manager: N. Gavrilov In. - associate Professor of machines, tractors and cars, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor.


● Study of a consortium of hydrocarbon oxidizing microorganisms of the Northern region of Kazakhstan with the determination of genetic characteristics and the creation of a biodestructor drug on their basis.

Project Manager: Yunusova G. B. - head. Department of ecology, candidate of technical Sciences, associate Professor.



● Folklore Tobol-Turgay region.

Project Manager: A. A. Absadykov - Professor of the Department of theory of languages and literature, doctor of Philology.




● Migration, ethno-social processes and paleoeconomic Torgai in the era of paleometal and Hun-Sarmatian time in the light of new archaeological research.

Project Manager: Logvin A. V. - head of the archaeological laboratory.




● Development and implementation of iterative methods for calculating thermal parameters of soil and substantiation of their mathematical properties.

Project Manager: Baymankulov A. T. - head of the Department of information systems, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences, associate Professor.





 In 2012 according to the results of  Grant Financing Contest, announced by the Committee of Science  of Ministry of Science and Education RK, A. Baitursynov KSU got financing for 5 researches:





 working out of Kazakhstani test-system immune- enzyme test of identification  estradiol-17β in animal-related products.

The leader of the project: Kokanov S.K. – ISEC, candidate of  Veterinary, associate - professor;





  specificity of  formation of Modern Mass Media Market as Intellectual Potential of the State. The leader of the project: Zhunusova A.M. – head of Journalism and Communicative Management Department,   candidate of Philology, associate - professor;







 Ecology of Language and Culture in Ethnic regions:  the languages of Kostanai oblast communities.

The leader of the project: Akhmetova B. Z – head of  Theory of Language and  Literature Department,   candidate of Philology, associate - professor;





 Investigation of Torgai Archeological Heritage in the context of ancient peoples of Eurasia interaction: cross-cultural links, ethnical social processes, paleconomics.

The leader of the project: Logvin A.V. – head of Archeological Laboratory;






 Regional Ethnic Linguistics: based on toponymics of Kostanai oblast.
The leader of the project: Akhmetova B. Z – head of  Theory of Language and  Literature Department,   candidate of Philology, associate – professor.







 In 2013 according to the results of  Grant Financing Contest, announced by the Committee of Science  of Ministry of Science and Education RK,          A. Baitursynov KSU got financing for 7 researches based on programme  120 “Grant financing of scientific research” specificity 149 “Other services and work” for 2013 - 2015:




 Improving effectiveness of agricultural industrial enterprises by recycling waste in biological gas installation.

The leader of the project: Kurmanov A.K. – professor of Technical service department, Doctor of technical science;



● working out of systems with technology of non-graphic accounts of  General-purpose computing on graphics processing units, with the use of soft-ware accounting  NVIDIA Compute Unified Device Architecture.

The leader of the project: Muslimova A.Z. –  associate – professor of Information Science and Mathematics Department, candidate of pedagogic;





● working out of Kazakhstani test-systems based on polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in real time for identification septoria spot of crops.

The leader of the project: Beishova I.S. - associate – professor of Biology and Chemistry Department, candidate of agricultural science;





Studies of Basics of Pharmacological  kinetics and Pharmacological Dynamics  of Analgizing medicines of advanced generation in horse bodies.

The leader of the project: Ryschanova R.M. - associate – professor of Veterinary Sanitary Department, candidate of Veterinary;




 working out of new biological medicine to control the number of depredators of the closed soil.

The leader of the project: Kokanov S.K. – ISEC, candidate of  Veterinary, associate - professor;






 working out of new highly effective incectoacaricide and larvicide stuff from synthetic pyretroids to protect oxen from zoofile flies on fodder grounds and  pastures.

The leader of the project: Aubakirov M.Zh. –  associate – professor of Veterinary Medicine Department, candidate of  Veterinary;