Innovation research education centre
Innovation Research Education Centre (IREC) is a structural unit of Baitursynov KSU, providing the creation and development the system of effective use of innovation potential for support and improvement of research, teaching and administrative activities of the university staff.
The tasks of IREC:
- Working out and implementing fundamental and applied scientific projects within international, republican and regional scientific and technical programmes;
- Creation of temporary teams for independent innovation projects with institutions of innovation development, business community of Kostanai oblast; participation in the education process of KSU;
- Participation in training scientists and teachers (within post-graduate, master and doctorate programmes); cooperation with international, Kazakhstani and regional subjects of innovation activities.
Head of IREC
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Kokanov Sabit Kabdyshevich,
Candidate of Veterinary
Telephone: +7(7142) 21-12-00 E-mail:
The staff of the centre assists the teaching staff, post-graduates and intended doctors in preparing applications, working out projects for grant financing (seminars, consulting), choosing methodology and conducting research, practical and laboratory classes, research within Master and Doctorate programmes in the following directions:
- Physical and chemical testing of biological objects: water, soil, plants, raw materials of animal and plant origin, food stuff, etc.
- Qualitative test and quantitative identification of GMO in plant raw materials, fodder and food stuff.
- Biological and technological methods of catching diseases diagnostics in animal organisms (tuberculosis, brucellosis, listeria etc).
- Immunologic and enzyme test of biological objects and pathological stuff.
- Immunologic test of animal and bird blood serum.
- Micro-biological test of air, water, plant and animal raw materials, food and pathological stuff.
- Veterinary and sanitary expertise, estimation of quality and safety of raw materials and food stuff of animal origin.
- Zoo technological test of fodder and computer simulation of optimal diet for animals, poultry and fish.
- Environmental monitoring of water bodies through methods of biological identification.
- Working out of technologies of obtaining of biological medicines, biologically active substances from micro-organism strain-producers, including algae.
- Working out technologies of alternative energy sources based on biomass specialized stains of algae.
Currently the staff of the IREC got the grant for the research on the project «Working out of Kazakhstani test-system of immunologic and enzyme testing and estradiol – 17b identification in animal origin products».
Some publications of the IREC staff:
- Kokanov S.K., Sharapidenov К.Т., Cheremisova Т.G., etc. Working out of the technology of obtaining dry concentrate hydrocarbon – oxidizing micro- organisms for the creation of oil-oxidizing preparation// International Research Practical conference «Biotechnologies in Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of innovation development» - Almaty. – 2008. – P. 294.
- Kokanov S.K., Sharapidenov К.Т., Cheremisova Т.G., etc. The influence of keeping duration on biological activeness an anti – Colorado beetle insecticide. // International Research Practical conference «Achievements and problems of plant protection and quarantine». – Almaty. – 2008. – P.179-184.
- Kokanov S.K, Ten V.B., Daugalieva S.T., Abutalip A.A. The peculiarities of the course and liquidation of brucellosis infection on the cattle farms of the Republic of Kazakhstan. International Workshop «Brucellosis as a trans – Boundary infection of animals and humans which needs to be managed by cooperative efforts of different countries». – June 2-4, 2008. – Serpukhov, Moscow region. - P. 35-36.
- Коканов С.К., Sagitov А.О.,DisembekovD.B, etc. Working out of the technology of a Kazakhstani insecticide preparation against coleopterous insects. // First International Research Practical conference «Astana Biotech 2008». – Astana. –2008. – P. 26.
- Chuzhebaeva G.Zh, Makbuz А.Zh., Kokanov S.K. , etc. Design and synthesis of specific primers for identification Pasteurella multocida by PCR method. Kostanai// 3i: intellect, idea, innovation . – №3. – 2010. – P. 21-24.
- Kokanov S.K, Wolfram J.H., Verkhovsky O.A. Diagnostic and Vaccine Chapter/Brucellosis: A Transboundary Zoonotic Disease/Vaccine, Volume 28, Supplement 5, 1 Oct. 2010, P. F49-F53. doi:10.1016/j.vaccine.2010.04.051.
- Nametov А.М., Kokanov S.К., Erzhanov Е.S. Overview of topical problems of surgical wounds pathogenesis // 3i: intellect, idea, innovation – №-1-2. – 2011. – P. 9-13.
- Chuzhebaeva G.Zh, Makbuz А.Zh., Kokanov S.K. , etc. Selecting and adjusting of temperature conditions while working out and optimizing of polymerase chain reaction for cattle pasterellosis diagnosing // International Research Practical conference «Baitursynov readings» . - Kostanai, 2010, P. 59-61.
- Nametov А.М., Kokanov S.К., Erzhanov Е.S. Modern methods of Immune Status estimation and identification immune deficiency states of organism with surgical trauma// International Research Practical conference «Baitursynov readings» . – Kostanai, 2011 (p. 3).
- Ryschanova R.М., Ibragimov P.Sh., Raketsky V.А. Veterinary and sanitary monitoring of residual quantity of hormonal growth promoters in animal origin products. //3i: intellect, idea, innovation - №4 – 2011. – p. 5-8.
- Ryschanova R.М., Ibragimov P.Sh., Kokanov S.K, Chuzhebaeva G.Zh . Obtaining immunologic serum for estradiol – 17 b// International Research Practical conference "Promising issues of world science – 2012". - Sophia, Bulgaria. - 2012.