Materials of scientific conferences
April 26, 2019. The annual international scientific conference, "Baitursynov reading - 2019", was held at Kostanay state university. The theme is «Spiritual rebirth, knowledge and innovation».
The conference was attended by guests from Croatia, Germany, Russia, Ukraine: Maria Benica Penava – PhD, Associate Professor, University of Dubrovnik, Croatia; Gauks Walter – Commissioner of the European Association of Professional and Social Education Institutions “EBG gGmbH”; Sandu I. S. - honored scientist of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of the Department of «Federal Research Center Of Agricultural Economy And Social Development of rural areas - All-Russian Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture», Moscow, Russia; Chepik D.A. - Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, Head of the Sector of the «Federal Research Center Of Agricultural Economy And Social Development of rural areas - All-Russian Research Institute of Economics of Agriculture», Moscow, Russia.
Also, young scientists of our university delivered a welcoming speech for guests and participants of the conference: Indira Beishova - Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, holder of the title of the Ministry of Education and Science "The best teacher of the university - 2018"; Madi Abdrakhmanov - Master of Philology, Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
The scientific conference included five sections to discuss:
-The Great Steppe - spiritual rebirth and integration of education;
-High technologies and innovations of the agro-industrial complex in the context of the fourth industrial revolution;
-Economic and legal aspects;
-Technical sciences: theory, methodology and practice;
-Global digitalization trends and international experience.
As a part of the conference there were the following activities:
- Online panel session: “Journalism and PR in the digital era: new challenges of the time” with the participation of students and scientists of the South Ural State University (Chelyabinsk, Russia);
- Conference "Actual problems of philology" with the participation of scientists of the Belarusian State University (online);
-The Round table: "Social and cultural aspects of the modernization of public consciousness in Kazakhstan" with the participation of the North Kazakhstan branch of the NGO "Kazakhstan Philosophical Congress".
You may find the list of the articles HERE
Materials of the international scientific-practical conference "Цифровая экономика – аналитический взгляд"
International scientific forum "Language education in Kazakhstan in the context of globalization"
On April 12, the annual International Scientific Forum "Language Education in Kazakhstan in the Context of Globalization" was held. Within the framework of the forum, master classes were organized by foreign teachers of the Nazarbayev school, as well as teachers and undergraduates of the Department of Foreign Philology.Among the audience of the master classes were: teachers of the Nazarbayev intellectual school, teachers of the English language of the city and region, teachers of KSU and Kostanay State Pedagogical University, teachers of Kostanay Pedagogical College. The topics of the master classes covered current issues of teaching English. Among the speakers were teachers from England: Mark O’Brein and Richard Edain, associate professor of the Department of Foreign Philology EM. Kandalina, graduate student Nina Shandetskaya, student of the specialty "Foreign philology" Margarita Zaitseva.
The forum participants noted the good organization of this event and the fruitful work during the master classes, and also expressed their wishes for continued cooperation. All participants were presented with gifts and certificates.
In the KSU named after A. Baitursynov was held International research and practical conference «Baitursynov readings-2018»
April 19-20, 2018.The annual international scientific conference, "Baitursynov reading - 2018", was held at Kostanay state university. The conference was attended by representatives of universities in Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Korea, Slovakia and Kazakhstan - scientists, university professors, doctoral students, undergraduates and students, more than 300 people. The conference program was full of scientific events: the work of 6 sections, round tables on current issues of the «Рухани жаңғыру» and «Digital Kazakhstan» programs, master classes, speeches of students and undergraduates.
The conference was held at a high scientific and organizational level. This major scientific event was made possible thanks to the coordinated and intensive work of the organizers in the person of the staff of the Office of Science and Postgraduate Education, faculty leadership and the student scientific community.
You may find the list of the articles HERE: part 1, part 2.
International scientific-practical conference "Modern Problems of Zootechnics"
In Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov, an international scientific-practical conference "Modern Problems of Zootechnics" was held.
This conference is dedicated to the memory of Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Muslimov Bakytzhan Muslimovich.
On November 21, 2017, a scientific-practical conference "Руханият және мәдениетаралық коммуникация" was held within the framework of the program "Рухани жаңғыру".
In 2017, the annual international scientific-practical conference “Baitursynov Readings - 2017” was held on the basis of Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov.
- Байтурсыновские чтения - 2017 ( 1 часть)
- Байтурсыновские чтения - 2017 ( 2 часть)
On April 15, 2016, the annual international scientific and practical conference “Baytursynov Readings - 2016” on the theme: “Science, manufacturing, business: current state and ways of innovative development of the country” was held on the basis of Kostanay State University named after Akhmet Baitursynov.
Download: part 1, part 2, part 3.
On April 17, 2015, the annual international scientific-practical conference "Baitursyn readings -2015" was held on the theme "Development Program" Nurly Zhol ": education-science-production"
April 25, 2014. The annual international scientific conference, "Baitursynov reading - 2014", was held at Kostanay state university. It was dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the university. The theme is Education and Science in Kazakhstan at the beginning of the XXI century: problems and solutions.
Traditionally «Baitursynov reading" gathers scientists from around the world to discuss critical issues. The conference was attended by 14 foreign guests: Anna Makerova - University of Paris, France; Mario Giorgio - University of Pisa, Italy; Sándor Makai - University of West Hungary, Hungary; Ian Michinski - University of Warmia and Mazury, Poland; Dieter Meissner and Julia Kois - Tallinn University of Technology; Krak Yuri - Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Ukraine; Alexander Fedorov - Ural State University of Physical Culture, Anarkulov Habibullah - Kyrgyz State Law Academy; Umer Rafael - LLC "Tezlatgich" The Republic of Uzbekistan; Yesmagambetov Kenzhibek - Kurgan State Agricultural Academy, the Russian Federation; Zagoruiko Anastasia and Neva Alexander - Ural Scientific Research Veterinary Institute, Yekaterinburg, Russia; Kabirova Vera - Bashkir State University.
Scientific Forum in accordance with the program included seven sections to discuss issues of agricultural, veterinary, technical and natural sciences, humanities development, challenges and ways to improve the rule of legislation:
1. Contemporary questions of legal science
2. Modern trends in social and economic development of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects
3. Contemporary problems of social and humanitarian education and science
4. Psychological and pedagogical aspects of professional training
5. Prospects for the development of information technologies in science, education and practice
6. Innovative development of agriculture in Kazakhstan: problems of development of agricultural, veterinary and engineering sciences
7. Trends and prospects of Natural Sciences
As a part of the conference there were the following activities:
- Meeting the Regional Council of Rectors;
- International scientific and practical conference of students, graduate students and young researchers «Contemporary problems of linguistics ";
- Round table "Sports Science and Education: The experience of project cooperation";
- Round table "Modern problems of archeology."
At the final meeting, the chairmen of sections and workshops adopted a resolution summarizing the conclusions and recommendations of the work of all sections.
Prior to the conference a collection of scientific articles was published in 3 parts.
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On April,12 2013 on the Day of Science in the university was held International research and practical conference «Baitursynov readings-2013» devoted to the problem: «Modern science: problems and key reference points within Strategy «Kazakhstan - 2050».
Traditional «Baitursynov readings» have already for some years been gathering the scientists from different countries to discuss topical issues of science. In the current conference the following scientists and teachers from a number of countries took part: Lozovitska Bozhena – head of Plant protection institute, PhD, professor (Belostok, Poland); Albina Anulene – Dean of the Faculty of Lithuanian university of health care sciences, Veterinary Academy, doctor of veterinary, professor (Lithuania); Kozarev Nikolai Donchev – assistant-professor of the university of chemical technology and metallurgy , d.t.s. (Bulgaria); Zeidel-Petry Sigrun - PhD, senior expert of the service of senior experts (Germany); Uvarina Natalya Viktorovna – professor of South-Ural state university, d.p.s. (Chelyabinsk, Russia); Shpak Natalya Anatolyevna - vice-rector on innovation development and international cooperation of Ural State forestry university, c.e.s. (Russia); Anarkulov Batyrbek Khabibulaevich – assistant – professor of Kyrgyz state juridical academy, c.p.s. (Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan); Popov Nikolai Alexandrovich – director of the institute of Economics UGUFK, d.e.s. (Chelyabinsk, Russia); Latfullin Yunir Rifovich – professor of Bashkir state university, d.e.s. (Ufa, Russia).
Scientific forum included the work of 7 sections, discussing topical issues of agrarian science, veterinary, technical and natural sciences, development of humanitarian science, problems and ways of improving of a legal state.
Within the frames of the conference there was held an on-line seminar:«Modular Competence approach and its realization in formation of educational programmes of higher and post-graduate education» with Katanov Khakasskiy state university and also а Round Table «Akhmet Baitursynov and Kazakh society».
At the final meeting the heads of sections and seminars summed everything up More than 100 teachers and post-graduates delivered their reports. Before the beginning of the conference the collection of articles in 2 volumes (35 print lists) was published.
You may find the list of the articles HERE: part 1 part 2