Calendar of the meeting with employers
The Second Forum of Alumni and Trustees of KSU (October 23 2014)
The second Forum of Association of Alumni and Trustees of KSU was held on October 23, 2014. Graduates of different generations, including the heads of large organizations, government agencies and business structures, members of the Board of Trustees took part in the discussion on improving the education process.
The Forum was attended by akim of Kostanay oblast Saduakasov N.M, chairman of the Committee for control of education and science of RK Nyusupov S.N., Director of the Department of scientific support and human resourcing AIC MA RK Kadzhybekova A.E., akim`s first deputy Aman E.I., akim of Kostanay, chairman of the Association of Alumni and Trustees of KSU Akhmetzhanov A.M., Vice president of Association of universities of RK Abishev A.A., members of Board of Alumni and Trustees of KSU, chairmen of Board of Trustees of Faculties, members of Board of University professors, heads of organizations, government agencies and business structures, alumni of KSU, governance, deans, teaching stuff and third-fifth year students of KSU.
Realizing, that the roles of the state, business and university are equally important in the training of highly qualified specialists, the participants of the Forum affirmed their commitment of the new interaction forms with the university, including the mutual implementation of scientific projects, the funding of gifted students and prospective young scientists, the establishment of education programs, the providing of high-technology production base for the development of the practical skills.
An expanded meeting of the Board of Alumni and Trustees Association of KSU, involving akim of Kostanay oblast Saduakasov N.M. was held during the Forum. The rector of the university Nametov A.M. delivered a report “Practice-oriented learning – the most important vector of the contemporary education” at the meeting. The rector outlined the challenges of the contemporary education, the ways to overcome them, and the areas of cooperation in the format “state-business-university”, forming qualified, demanded specialists.
The employment fair, devoted to first deputies of the akim of Kostanay oblast Aman E.I. actively worked in the university’s second building. Over than 100 employers, 1000 participants, 24 contracts for training of specialists, financed by the funds of employers is the statistics of the employment fair.
The rector of the university Nametov A.M. delivered a report “Results achieved by the university within the reporting period between the Forums and strategic objectives” at the general meeting. In the report, Nametov A.M. noted that “the first Forum was held in June 2012, and the regional Forum of Trustees of KSU and employers was taken on December 7, 2012 with the participation of the akim of Kostanay oblast Saduakasov N.M. Thereby, it can be justifiably considered about the establishment of one more good custom of KSU – organizing Forums, attracting the heads and representatives of the government agencies, business structures and public at large”.
There were awards. The university was awarded by the Akhmet Baitursynov medal. A number of staff members were awarded by the lapel badges of the Ministries of Agriculture, Culture, Education and Science, Association of Universities of RK and honorary certificates of the oblast`s akim.
By results, the appeal of the participants of the Forum to the business community was accepted. The participants ask to take part in the process of professional training of the staff to work in real economy. It will enhance the modernization of Kazakhstan.
The Appeal of the Participants of the Second Forum of Alumni and Trustees of KSU
The head of the state put forward a principle of the partnership as a basis of successful modernization of Kazakhstan. All the work must be based on close collaboration between the state, business and citizens. The quality of the specialists training can reach the desired level only by the joint efforts “state-university-business”, besides the equal responsibility is the main factor of dual education! Board of Alumni and Trustees of KSU created under the Akimat of Kostanay oblast has had some successes in this area. Public-private partnerships are developing, mechanism of engagement publicity and producers in the education management and training of competitive specialists are introduced. We, the participants of the Forum of Alumni and Trustees of KSU, we have come to understand profoundly that social partnership is certainly important and we urge everyone to join efforts, focused on the training of specialists for state’s and regions’ economy. We urge business organizations to commit to a process of the professional training of specialists in all its forms – from participation in the university corporate governance bodies till the formation of education program’s content and providing the base with the high-technology production. The objective of each entrepreneur is to respond to the head of the state’s appeal and to contribute the enhancing a link “state-education-production”. The most important thing is to understand that we have an overall objectives and aims – prosperous and independent Kazakhstan. The participants of the Forum are certain, that this Appeal will be positively accepted by the business community and will add the momentum to collaboration in the format “business-university”. It will allow to increase involvement of the employers in the process of a competent specialist formation for the conditions of the specific production. |
Regional fair of vacancies-2013 (on April, 5th, 2013)
On April, 5th, 2013 in Kostanay on the basis of KSU by A.Baitursynov there has passed traditional « Regional fair of vacancies-2013 » with participation of the head Kostanay region N.M.Saduakasov. N. Saduakasov has noted that stable demand and for workers of the organizations of a market infrastructure is predicted, household and service of the population, transport and communication demand for the experts working specifically in the field of management and the analysis of economic activities Significantly will raise. In connection with a developing process of information of a society demand for the qualified experts owning computer technologies, and technical executors will increase. Therefore I wish you, dear graduates, successful search.
— On fair there have arrived representatives of the different enterprises – industrial, agricultural, telecommunication. It has been presented the order of 100 employers. Among them LLC " Ivolga-Holding ", joint-stock company " Kazakhtelecom " and many other things.
Graduates and students of high schools of Kostanay region have received chance to find work. The main task of similar actions is to help the young expert to find the workplace, and to heads of the organizations and establishments of region - to complete staff with qualified personnel.
Each interested person could learn conditions of employment from any employer. Students and potential employers managed to come into contact, and a number from them, owing to today's fair, – to find work, and someone from employers – the young expert. As organizers during fair have noted, already on seats agreements consist and dates of interviews at the enterprises were appointed. Bright confirming of that fair of vacancy is really effective way to find work, signing 77 contracts about employment between employers and graduates serves.
Meeting with administration and business-community of Kostanay region (on April, 4th, 2013)
A meeting of heads of the state structures and business-communities of Kostanay region has passed on April, 4th in a body of economic faculty at KSU by A.Baitursynov with students final and prefinal years of university. Action is lead within the limits of progress of the program of state-private partnership and attraction of attention to problems of progress of a practical science and employment of graduates of agricultural specialities KSU.
As the meeting has shown, at many enterprises of area sharp deficiency of the staff is felt. For the decision of the given problem the management of university has suggested agrarians to take on a constant practice of students of specialities necessary for them and to approach their knowledge to manufacture, and from his part the university due to development of appropriating rates and educational programs can give them narrowly-direct the theoretical knowledge base, necessary for this enterprise
In completion of action the memorandum of cooperation between university and administration of Kostanay region has been signed by the rector of university A.M.Nametov and the head of Kostanay region A.M.Ahmetzhanov. Then between a number of graduates, heads of the enterprises and university had been signed contracts on target preparation of experts for the given enterprises with payment of training for last years the enterprises and a guarantee of employment graduating students.
Forum of trustees КSU and employers (on December, 7th, 2012)
About partnership between high schools and employers, an indispensability of interoperability of a science and manufacture, employment of young experts it was a question at a regional Forum of trustees КSU and employers which took place in KSU on December, 7th, 2012 with participation of akim Kostanay region by N.M.Saduakasov. Employers, heads КSU have taken part In a forum and members of trustee Soviets of faculties of university, representatives of regional managements and departments, supervising and law enforcement bodies, holder of a master’s degree and students of final years of university, mass-media, all more than 280 trustees and the employers representing the most different fields of activity.
Rector КSU Askar Nametov has noted, that today high schools move on a way to corporate management. The employer has the right to prompt, what specialities today are demanded on a labour market, and to influence formation of educational programs
Prime objective of the Forum – adjustment of alive dialogue between high school workers, authority, employers and creatively conceiving student's youth. During a forum the alive and interested dialogue during which Akim of region to area has given exhaustive answers to numerous questions of students and holder of a master’s degree, concerning the trades most demanded on a regional labour market, educational grants, about the politician of the state on support of innovative.
During work of a forum was the Fair of vacancies where employers carried out consultation of the future experts about availability of vacant positions, collected the resume, signed preliminary agreements. The exhibition of achievements КSU by A.Baitursynov has works of scientists, the experts who are specializing in progress of a domestic science.
The forum has ended with ceremony of signing of some agreements on employment between the specific enterprises and students – the future graduates. The enterprises have undertaken to train experts at own expense, and then to employ to themselves. By the way, at university a number of the similar signed agreements already operates
The first Forum of graduates and trustees КSU (on June, 12th, 2012)
The first Forum of Association of graduating students and trustees КSU took place on June, 12th, 2012 on which of different corners of Kazakhstan, republics SIG and Germany have gathered more than 350 person – graduates of university of different generations among whom heads of the large organizations, official bodies and business-structures, as well as in it have taken part members of boards of guardians of faculties, members of an academic council and advice of professors of university, veterans of the Great Patriotic War and work, the youth organizations, students of release of 2012.
This communicative platform is called up to develop interoperability of university with graduates of different years, employers, business-community and authority, to enable young experts to realize the talent and enterprise capacities.Members of the forum have expressed readiness for various forms of interoperability with university, including to mutual realization of scientific projects, financing of the presented students and perspective young scientists, strengthening of material base, participation in teaching and educational process, accommodation of scientific and industrial orders.
At the Forum has been approved the Position about Association of graduating students and trustees КSU, the Reference of members of the forum to all graduates of university to enter Association that will assist strengthening of corporate spirit, fine traditions of university is accepted, will allow to influence essentially process of a professional training for work on actual sector of economy.
The Board of the Association of graduates and trustees of KSU was elect as the supreme body of management of Association acting to a regular basis which was headed by assistant administration of Kostanay region Bekturganov S.CH. 14 first heads of large corporations, holdings, joint-stock companies has been selected members of Advice of Association. For realization of problems of activity of Association of graduates and trustees КSU the Fund of progress of university which incomes it supposed use on target training of students, support of scientific researches, improvement of an infrastructure of university, progress of personnel potential, perfection of educational process and another is created.
Then, there has come the most long-awaited part of a forum – all graduates dispatch on faculties where they could meet with teachers, communicate among themselves in easy conditions.
The Second Forum of Alumni and Trustees of KSU (October 23 2014)
The second Forum of Association of Alumni and Trustees of KSU was held on October 23, 2014. Graduates of different generations, including the heads of large organizations, government agencies and business structures, members of the Board of Trustees took part in the discussion on improving the education process.
The Forum was attended by akim of Kostanay oblast Saduakasov N.M, chairman of the Committee for control of education and science of RK Nyusupov S.N., Director of the Department of scientific support and human resourcing AIC MA RK Kadzhybekova A.E., akim`s first deputy Aman E.I., akim of Kostanay, chairman of the Association of Alumni and Trustees of KSU Akhmetzhanov A.M., Vice president of Association of universities of RK Abishev A.A., members of Board of Alumni and Trustees of KSU, chairmen of Board of Trustees of Faculties, members of Board of University professors, heads of organizations, government agencies and business structures, alumni of KSU, governance, deans, teaching stuff and third-fifth year students of KSU.
Realizing, that the roles of the state, business and university are equally important in the training of highly qualified specialists, the participants of the Forum affirmed their commitment of the new interaction forms with the university, including the mutual implementation of scientific projects, the funding of gifted students and prospective young scientists, the establishment of education programs, the providing of high-technology production base for the development of the practical skills.
An expanded meeting of the Board of Alumni and Trustees Association of KSU, involving akim of Kostanay oblast Saduakasov N.M. was held during the Forum. The rector of the university Nametov A.M. delivered a report “Practice-oriented learning – the most important vector of the contemporary education” at the meeting. The rector outlined the challenges of the contemporary education, the ways to overcome them, and the areas of cooperation in the format “state-business-university”, forming qualified, demanded specialists.
The employment fair, devoted to first deputies of the akim of Kostanay oblast Aman E.I. actively worked in the university’s second building. Over than 100 employers, 1000 participants, 24 contracts for training of specialists, financed by the funds of employers is the statistics of the employment fair.
The rector of the university Nametov A.M. delivered a report “Results achieved by the university within the reporting period between the Forums and strategic objectives” at the general meeting. In the report, Nametov A.M. noted that “the first Forum was held in June 2012, and the regional Forum of Trustees of KSU and employers was taken on December 7, 2012 with the participation of the akim of Kostanay oblast Saduakasov N.M. Thereby, it can be justifiably considered about the establishment of one more good custom of KSU – organizing Forums, attracting the heads and representatives of the government agencies, business structures and public at large”.
There were awards. The university was awarded by the Akhmet Baitursynov medal. A number of staff members were awarded by the lapel badges of the Ministries of Agriculture, Culture, Education and Science, Association of Universities of RK and honorary certificates of the oblast`s akim.
By results, the appeal of the participants of the Forum to the business community was accepted. The participants ask to take part in the process of professional training of the staff to work in real economy. It will enhance the modernization of Kazakhstan.
The Appeal of the Participants of the Second Forum of Alumni and Trustees of KSU
The goals and objectives set in the address by the president of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A. Nazarbayev “Strategy “Kazakhstan-2050”, the state program of industrial-innovative development of the Republic of Kazakhstan by 2015-2019 and some other program papers may not be attainable without development of the staff potentials. The head of the state poses a task in his speeches to strengthen the practice-oriented direction of the education and the focus of education programs on the labor market taking into account the dual system of education. The head of the state put forward a principle of the partnership as a basis of successful modernization of Kazakhstan. All the work must be based on close collaboration between the state, business and citizens. The quality of the specialists training can reach the desired level only by the joint efforts “state-university-business”, besides the equal responsibility is the main factor of dual education! Board of Alumni and Trustees of KSU created under the Akimat of Kostanay oblast has had some successes in this area. Public-private partnerships are developing, mechanism of engagement publicity and producers in the education management and training of competitive specialists are introduced. We, the participants of the Forum of Alumni and Trustees of KSU, we have come to understand profoundly that social partnership is certainly important and we urge everyone to join efforts, focused on the training of specialists for state’s and regions’ economy. We urge business organizations to commit to a process of the professional training of specialists in all its forms – from participation in the university corporate governance bodies till the formation of education program’s content and providing the base with the high-technology production. The objective of each entrepreneur is to respond to the head of the state’s appeal and to contribute the enhancing a link “state-education-production”. The most important thing is to understand that we have an overall objectives and aims – prosperous and independent Kazakhstan. The participants of the Forum are certain, that this Appeal will be positively accepted by the business community and will add the momentum to collaboration in the format “business-university”. It will allow to increase involvement of the employers in the process of a competent specialist formation for the conditions of the specific production. |