Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

University of Lodz

The University of Lodz (Uniwersytet Łódzki) — a higher education institution in Lodz, Poland. Was founded in 1945, May 24, based on Pedagogical Institution (1921—1928), Hish School of Economical and Social Sciences (1921—1928) and a branch of Free Polish University, that had existed during the interbellum period. Nowadays, the University includes 12 facultees and 160 majors. The university offers an opportunity to obtain 3rd level professional education (doctoral degree), and also the opportunity to be enrolled to postgraduate programmes. The University of Lodz has more than 160 000 alumni. Today, over 38 thousand of students study at the University of Lodz.





Website: http://iso.uni.lodz.pl/

Languages of study: Polish, English



  • Biology and environment
  • Economics and sociology
  • Philosophy and history
  • Physics and applied informatics
  • Mathematics and informatics
  • Geographical sciences
  • International and politological research
  • Pedagogical sciences
  • Law and administration
  • Management
  • Chemistry
  • Philology