Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

V Training and Retraining Program of personnel of veterinary direction

The address of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University:


11 00 00, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay, 28 Abay street, (building No. 3).

Work phone: 8 (7142) 55 85 69

Official website:     www.ksu.edu.kz

E-mail:                    prof.raz.ksu@gmail.com 


V Training and Retraining Program of personnel of veterinary direction


Educational program

5.1 Modern problems of veterinary sanitation


Total number of hours - 72 hours.

Training terms - 4 weeks.

Head of the program: Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor V.I. Gershun; Candidate of Veterinary Science, associate professor A.Zh. Issabayev; Candidate of Veterinary Science, associate professor R.K.Tuyakova.

Control form - examination.


Purpose: toimprove the qualifications of veterinary and sanitary inspectors of Kostanay region.


Objective: to provide candidates of advanced courses with modern methods in the field of veterinary sanitation.


Material and technical resources: laboratory, normative acts in the field of RK veterinary.


Expected results: advanced training of veterinary and sanitary inspectors in accordance with modern requirements and international standards.



Topics of courses

Problems of veterinary sanitation on livestock enterprises. Modern veterinary and sanitary requirements at the products manufacture of animal and poultry breeding. The veterinary and sanitary expertise of livestock production. Modern disinfectants. Problems of microclimate optimization in livestock buildings in the North region. The veterinary and sanitary regime of farms area. The veterinary and sanitary regime of animal’s feeding and housing. The veterinary and sanitary regime of milking cows technology. Modern methods of diagnosis and prevention of communicable diseases of animals.



Educational program


5.2 Cats and dogs diseases


Total number of hours - 72 hours.

Training terms - 4 weeks.

Head of the program: Candidate of Veterinary Science, associate professor L.S.Kulakova; Candidate of Veterinary Science, associate professor M.T.Baikenov; Doctor of Veterinary Science, professor V.I.Piontkovskiy; Candidate of Veterinary ScienceM.Zh. Aubakirov,; Candidate of Veterinary Science V.A.Sapa.

Control form - examination.


Purpose: training of highly skilled specialists for work in veterinary clinics, specialized on cats and dogs treatment.


Objective: to provide listeners of advanced courses with diagnostics, modern methods of cats and dogs treatment and preventive services.


Material and technical resources:


Expected results: classrooms, animal clinics are equipped for training activities with listeners of advanced courses.


Topics of courses


Cats and dogs management. Cats and dogs feeding. Medicine chest of cats and dogs. Right and left ventricular cardiac failure. Electrocardiography  reading. Aetiopathogenesis, clinics, diagnostics and pneumonia treatment. Aetiopathogenesis, clinics, diagnostics and treatment of enteritis and coprostasis. Glomerulonephritis, pyelonephritis, urolithiasis. Catheterization of cats and dogs. Caesarean section at cats and dogs. Oophorectomy at cats and dogs. Dental diseases. Eye diseases. Neoplastic diseases. Cosmetic surgeries. Prophylactic immunization. Plague of dogs and feline panleukopenia. Hydrophobia. Enteritis. Main helminthiases diseases of cats and dogs. Piroplasmosis. Deworming of cats and dogs.