Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

II Training and Retraining Program of personnel of legal direction

The address of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University:


11 00 00, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay, 28 Abay street, (building No. 3).

Work phone: 8 (7142) 55 85 69

Official website: www.ksu.edu.kz

E-mail: prof.raz.ksu@gmail.com 


II Training and Retraining Program of personnel of legal direction


Educational program


2.1 Topical issues of qualification of corruption crimes and related element


Total number of hours - 72  hours.

Training terms - 4 weeks.

Head of the program: M.Yu.Dauyenov – head teacher.

Control form - examination.


Purpose: "Topical issues of qualification of corruption crimes and related element" program suggests formation of the base of legal culture, adequate perception by listeners of legal activity, ability to comment standards of the current legislation, possession of the main criminal and legal terminology.


Objective: objectives of studying of "Topical issues of qualification of corruption crimes and related element" course are defined accordingly by topics content and includes achievement of positive results on studying of all questions, submitted for consideration. 


Material and technical resources: discipline is provided by normative material and educational literature.


Expected results:


  • formation of the basic knowledge in area of qualification of corruption and related crimes at listeners, in particular, a conceptual framework;
  • use of gained knowledge and skills in practical activities.


Topics of courses

Analysis of the RK law "About Fight Against Corruption". Problems of qualification of illegal enterprises. Forgery by an official in commercial and other organizations. Receiving illegal gratification. Abuse of official position. Increase of authority or official power. Taking bribe. Mediations in corruption. Omission on service. Negligence. Forgery by an official.


Educational program


2.2 Regulation of labor relations according to the labour law of Republic of Kazakhstan


Total number of hours - 72 hours.

Training terms - 4 weeks.

Head of the program: Yu.G.Siminin - candidate of legal sciences, associate professor.

Control form - examination.


Purpose: Assistance to employees and employers in studying of Labour Law Basic.


Objective: to introduce with basics of labour law of Republic of Kazakstan.


Material and technical resources: discipline is provided by normative material and educational literature.


Expected results:

implementation possibility of legal knowledge in the right organization of labour relations in our country.


Topics of courses

Labour contract: concept, parties, rights and obligations of employee and employer. Content and terms of the labour contract. Participation of representatives of work relationship regulation’s employees. Acts consent’ procedure of employer. Regulation peculiarities of work relationships in combination. Concept and types of transfer on other job. Temporary transfer for health reasons. Employee movement on other workplace. Grounds and procedure for changes in working conditions. Grounds and procedure of termination of employment. Annulment of a labour contract by agreement between the parties. Annulment procedure of the labour contract at the employee's initiative. Grounds and procedure of annulment procedure of the labour contract at the employer's initiative. Limiting the possibility of annulment of the labour contract at the employer's initiative. Compensation payments for loss of work.

Legal consequences of the illegal termination of the labour contract. Cases and order of dismissal from work. The distinct \ termination of the labour contract from work suspension. Work time: normal, reduced, part-time of working hours. Types of working week. Duration of daily work (work shift). Division of daily work (work shift). Shiftwork. Work under a flexible working time system. Night work. Overtime work: concept, limited number, procedure for involvement. Work time sheets: concept and importance, its types. Concept and types of rest time. Break for rest and meal. Special breaks. The paid annual labour leave: duration, procedure for granting; case and order of postponing and extension of paid annual labour leave; recalling from paid annual labour leave; compensation payment for unused paid annual labour leave at termination of labour contract.

Disciplinary responsibility of employees. Disciplinary sanction: types, procedure for imposition, appeal, remission. Material responsibility and its types. Condition for the incurrence of material responsibility of labour contract parties for impairment (for causing injury). Labour regulation peculiarities: women and other person with family responsibilities; employees, working in two or more jobs, employees, working by rotational team method; head and members of collegiate executive body of juridical person.Consideration of individual labour disputes.Responsibility for violation of labour legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Business game on knowledge of the learnt material.


Educational program


2.3 Activity legal regulation of public servants in the Republic of Kazakhstan


Total number of hours - 72 hours.

Training terms - 4 weeks.

Head of the program: S.K.Ukin - Candidate of legal sciences

Control form - examination.


Topics of courses

RK Constitution of 1995 as basis of further improvement of Kazakhstan legal system. International and interstate legal mechanisms of protection of individual and citizen’s rights and freedoms. Constitutional legal status of First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Institute of interpellation as an important form of parliamentary control for the activity of executive power. Institute of parliamentary indemnity as one important form of guarantee of deputy activity. Problems reforming of public service in RK and foreign experience. Legal status of public servants: rights, obligations, guarantees. The code of honour of public servants. The legal regulation of questions, connected with disciplinary responsibility of public servants. Administrative responsibility of public servants for not submitting and not properly submitting of the declaration about income. Administrative responsibility of deputy of all levels for not submitting and not properly submitting of the declaration about income. Activity improvement of tax service – as an important source of budget revenue replenishment. Administrative activity improvement of law enforcement agencies for ensuring the safety of public order and public safety.