Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

I Training and Retraining Program of personnel of information and technical direction

The address of A. Baitursynov Kostanay State University:


11 00 00, Republic of Kazakhstan, Kostanay, 28 Abay street, (building No. 3).

Work phone:8 (7142) 55 85 69

Official website: www.ksu.edu.kz

E-mail: prof.raz.ksu@gmail.com 


I Training and Retraining Program of personnel of information and technical direction


Educational program


1.1 Architecture, maintenance work and repair of the personal computer.


Total amount of hours – 54 hours.

Duration of the course – 4 weeks.

The head of the program: A.Sh.Begalin - head teacher.

The control form – examination.


Purpose: to consider architecture of the personal computer and teach person to establish, adjust, repair, optimize and to serve the personal computer.


Objectives: to consider the personal computer device, methods of defect diagnostics of computer systems and external devices, its elimination, and also its adjustment, repair, optimization and maintenance.


Material and technical resources: architecture laboratory of computer systems, computers, equipment of laboratory, methodical instructions to the fulfillments of laboratory works, presentations, tests.  


Expected results:



- to connect and adjust devices and personal computer for applications and hardware;

- to disassemble and assemble the personal computer;

- to make selection of personal computers accessories;

- to optimize computer systems, software for maximum productivity in applications;

- to serve technical and software of the personal computer.



- repair of computer equipment;

- findings of reasons of problems and their clearance. 


Topics of courses

System and structure of the personal computer. Classification of personal computer and devices. Output options of personal computers and devices. Programs use of EverestUltimateEdition, AIDA, CPU-Z, etc. Motherboard. Components of system control board. Chipsets. Producers of chipsets. Processors. KESh-memory. RAM. RAMS types. Dynamic memory of SDRAM, DDRSDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, DDR3 SDRAM. Characteristics of memory. Memory cache. RAM. Types of RAM. Dynamic memory: SDRAM, DDRSDRAM, DDR2 SDRAM, DDR3 SDRAM. Characteristics of memory. Memory productivity. Memory testing. Video cards. Types of video cards. Interfaces of video cards. Producers of video cards. Characteristics of video cards. Hard drives. System of hard drives. Interfaces of hard drives. Testing of hard drives. Verification of hard drives. Characteristics of hard drives. Defragmentation and cleaning of hard drives. System of power unit. Principle of work. Colour marking. Keyboard and mouse. Prevention of keyboard and mouse. Monitors. System and principle of work. Printer. System and principle of work. Types of printers. Interfaces of connection. Prevention. Refill of laser printers.  Refill of inkjet printer. Modem. System and principle of work. Types of modems. Interfaces of connection. BIOS. BIOSsetup. Connection of devices. Assembly of the system unit. Installation of the Operating System. Operating System installation. Operating System optimization. Problems at the installation. Installation of drivers after installation. TV tuners. Webcam. Use of various software for optimization and diagnostics. Programs Wise Registry Cleaner, Wise PC Engineer, Unlocker, Antispyi, etc. Overclocking and testing of the personal computer. Use of programs:  SiSoftware Sandra, 3DMark05 v120, AquaMark3, PCMark05_v101, CrystalMark09. Disk recovery. Recovery and testing programs of disks. Work with sections. Recovery of information from hard drives. Repair of Flash-of drive. Recovery of information. Repair of the personal computer. BIOS reflashing.



Educational program


1.2 New opportunities of the multimedia presentation.


Total amount of hours – 48 hours.

Duration of the course – 4 weeks.

The head of the program: Zh.T.Omarkhanova - head teacher.

The control form – Final creative work.


Purpose: to create the interactive multimedia presentations.


Objectives: to consider the new possibilities of the multimedia presentation, methods of creation of crossword puzzles and tests. 


Material and technical resources: computers, methodical instructions to performance of practical works, presentations.


Expected results:



- creation of hyperlinks for switching on a slide in the same presentation;

- creation of hyperlinks for switching on other presentation;



- creation of the game;

- creation of the animated crossword puzzle;

- creation of tests in the multimedia presentation.


Topics of courses

Creation of hyperlinks. Hyperlinks. Creation of hyperlinks for switching on a slide in the same presentation. Action buttons. Creation of hyperlinks for switching on other presentation. Creation of hyperlinks for switching on the website.

Triggers in the presentation. Concept about triggers and its implementation area. Creation of the slide with triggers. Creation of game with use of triggers. Creation of the test by means of triggers.

Work with DragAndDrop macro. Use cases of Draganddrop macro. The template with DragAndDrop macro. Creation of the presentation with use of the DragAndDrop macro.

Creation of the animated crossword puzzle. Creation of the crossword puzzle in a grid. Creation of the animated crossword puzzle with use of autoshapes.

Creation of test tasks. Rules of the creation of tests. Creation of tests in the multimedia presentation.

Final lesson. The reflection based on results of education. The exchange of views about the learnt course.  


Educational program


1.3 Creation of the interactive presentations by means of the VBA programming language.


Total amount of hours – 64 hours.

Duration of the course – 4 weeks.

The head of the program: Zh.T.Omarkhanova - head teacher.

The control form – Final creative work.


Purpose: increase of ICT - competence of teachers, and also any experts, who are professionally using presentation PowerPoint in the work.


Objectives: increase of technological culture of teachers; increase of technological equipment of education.


Material and technical resources: computers, methodical instructions to performance of practical works, presentations.


Expected results:



- creation of hyperlinks for switching on a slide in the same presentation;

- creation of hyperlinks for switching on other presentation;



- creation of the game;

- creation of the animated crossword puzzle;

- creation of tests in the multimedia presentation.


Topics of courses

Introduction to VBA. Introduction. Control Toolbox. “Caption”, its properties.   

The controlling Toolbox “Text Box” and “Image”. “Text Box”, its properties. “Image”, its properties.

Use of “Text Box” for knowledge checking. “Command Button”. Use of “Text Box” for knowledge checking. “Command Button”, its properties. Writing of the first software code.   

Creation of the test with input of the answer. Creation of the test with input of the answer. Writing of the software code of answers verification.

Use of “Text Box” for creation of interesting tasks. Use of “Text Box” for creation of interesting tasks. Writing of the software code of answers verification.  

Use of “Image” for knowledge checking. Use of “Image” for knowledge checking. Writing of the software code of task checking.

Select Case. Assessment output. Creation of the test with the assessment output. Writing of the software code of answers verification and assessment output. 

“OptionButton”. “OptionButton”, its properties. Creation of the test with the choice ofone version of the answer. Writing of the software code of answers verification and assessment output.  

“CheckBox”. “CheckBox”, its properties. Creation of the test with the choice of multiple version of the answer. Writing of the software code of answers verification and assessment output. 

Creation of the simulator "Check of Multiplication Table". Use of random numbers for knowledge checking. Creation of the simulator on the example of verification of the multiplication table. 

The result of the course. Discussion and results of the course. Filling of the final application forms.


Educational program


1.4 Use of Internet technologies in the work.


Total amount of hours – 36 hours.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks.

The head of the program: V.B.Biktimirova - head teacher, G.O.Zharmagambetova - teacher.

The control form – examination.


Purpose: to teach how to work productively in information Internet space for realization of communicative, technical and heuristic abilities



• to acquaint with types of websites, its functional, structural and technological features;

• to create skills of elementary engineering, designing, placement and support of the website;

• to give primary skills of programming on HTML;

• to create and place own website on the chosen subject in the Internet;

• to acquaint with web-design basics;

• to create skills of work in collective with complex web projects.


Material and technical fund:  presentations, multimedia tasks.


Expected results: The comprehensive program, allowing to gain system, structured knowledge in the field of information technologies and to apply various techniques of the Internet technology in concrete situations, depending on the goal.


Topics of courses

Acquaintance with Websites, which useful to the work in production activities. Internet - actions. Work with search systems. Thematic search in the network. Work with electronic means: thematic websites and blogs, online magazines. Participation in video-conferences, online seminars, participation and conducting online consultations. Browsers. Characteristic and opportunities. Acquaintance with services on creation of websites. Web hosting. The domain name. Creation of portfolio, personal website, Online -store, guest books. Support, promotion and optimization of the website. Freelance – earnings on the Internet. Creation of flash-presentations of goods or company. User account. Creation of the account. Creation of e-book (electronic books), dictionaries and electronic library. Studying of programs for creation of the self-unpacked photo albums, a slideshow, clips, e-Postcard and magazines, Internet galleries, digital catalogs, booklets, brochures, covers for disks. Acquaintance with useful programs. Portals and forums. Creation of own mailing. Social bookmarks. Work with media materials. 


Educational program


1.5 Basics of office programming and Excel documents.


Total amount of hours – 36 hours.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks.

The head of the program:  O.I.Bizhanova - head teacher, V.B.Biktimirova - head teacher, Zh.Z.Satmaganbetova - head teacher, G.O.Zharmagambetova - teacher.

The control form – examination.


Purpose: to give main knowledge, skills, necessary for effective work in MicrosoftExcel 2007



• to acquaint with the interface of the Excel 2007 program;

• to study new methods and working methods.


Material and technical fund:  presentations, multimedia tasks.


Expected results: listeners will be able:

  • to work with the lists in MS Excel,
  • to use summary tables,
  • to protect worksheets and books,
  • to create substitution box, scenarios of sheet,
  • to use Goal Seek,
  • to use an add-in "Finding solutions ",
  • to import data from external sources,
  •  to remain macroes.


Topics of courses

Basic elements of the interface and working methods with it. Modes of work with file system, a new files format of Excel 2007 was highlighted, files conversion from old formats in new and vice versa. General questions of work with books and sheets: choice of reading views, movement, section selection. Main ways of input and data editing, tables creation. Computing in Excel. Questions of work with formulas and organizations of computing, and also use of main functions. Tables design. Use of number formats, including creation of personal formats. Main ways of cells and tables formatting. Possibilities of conditional formatting, use of style and background in design. Work with comments. Basis of Information security from unauthorized viewing and change. Basis of creation, change and design of chart. Preparation for printing and setting parameters of tables and chartss printing.


Educational program


1.6 Basis of office programming and PowerPoint documents.


Total amount of hours – 36 hours.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks.

The head of the program:  O.S.Salykova - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, I.V.Ivanova - Candidate of pedagogic sciences, head teacher, V.B.Biktimirova- head teacher, V.G.Ilnitskiy - head teacher.

The control form – examination.


Purpose: to give basic knowledge and skills, necessary for effective work in MicrosoftPowerPoint 2007



• to acquaint with the interface of the PowerPoint 2007 program;

• to study new methods and techniques of work.


Material and technical fund: presentations, multimedia tasks.


Expected results:

• to work in the environment of MS PowerPoint,

• to create presentations,

• to work with graphic objects,

• to apply tables, charts, various visual and sound effects,

• to show presentations and manage by demonstration.


Topics of courses

Work with slides. PowerPoint start-up. PowerPoint window. New slide. Choice of slide layout. Undoing and recovery of changes. Text entry and correction. The bullet list. Transition from one slide to another. Designer of slides. Choice of a template of background. Choice of other design of the presentation. Choice of the color scheme. Change of slides background. Saving and closing of the presentation file. Opening of the presentation file. Presentation demonstration. Slide sorter. Transfer, copying, removal of slides. Addition of slides from other presentation. Enhanced capacity of movement and copying. Change of the bullet list. Use of objects. Insert of the chart and data entry. Change of the chart type and basic data. Formatting of chart elements. The hidden data in the chart. Concept about object. Transfer, copying and deletion of objects. Movement of objects on a slide. Change of the object size. Insert of the additional text. Rotation of object. Text formatting. Table insert. Header and Footer of slides. Sample of slides and it change. Picture paste from ClipArt gallery. Picture paste from the file. Change of picture colour. Picture cutting. Insert of AutoShapes. Ungroup and group of objects. Insert of the organization chart. Additional opportunities of MS PowerPoint. Preview and print of the presentation. Form controls. Stage-by-stage demonstration of the text on a slide. Alternate demonstration of objects on a slide. Effects of slide transitions on the screen. Hidden slides. Selective demonstration of slides. Automatic demonstration of the presentation.


Educational program


1.7 Basis of office programming and Word documents.

Total amount of hours – 36 hours.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks.

The head of the program: I.V.Ivanova-Candidate of pedagogic sciences, head teacher, V.B.Biktimirova-head teacher, O.I.Bizhanova-acting head teacher, G.I.Makhambetova-head teacher.

The control form – examination.


Purpose: to give basic knowledge and skills, necessary for effective work in MicrosoftWord 2007



  • to acquaint with the interface of the Word 2007 program;
  • to study new methods and techniques of work.


Material and technical fund: presentations, multimedia tasks.


Expected results:

• text composition and its editing;

• formatting of text and paragraphs: application of any font, adjusting lines, use of columns;

• special symbols insert, header and footer, formulas and pictures;

• work with tables: tables creation of any complexity and type;

• work with graphs and charts of any complexity;

• styles layout of the text elements and automation of creation of the page of content.


Topics of courses

Tab and columns. Transformation of the document from the one-columnar document in multicolumnar and back. Tables. Transformation and sort. Equation Insert. Use of column header. An autoformat, autocorrect and the autotext – as an automation equipment of input of the formatted text. Work with styles. Creation, change, removal of styles. Copying of styles from other documents. Styles connection with multi-level lists, automatic numbering of headings. Table of contents insert. Footnotes, bookmarks, indexes, cross references. Find and replace of the document elements. Document protect. Document protect against unauthorized access. Protect by the password on opening of the document and on the document change.  A template – as a preset for standard documents. Reviewing of the document, use of notes. Merge and mailing of documents. Use information from the document MS Excel as addresses.


Educational program


1.8 Development of electronic educational resources.

Total amount of hours – 36 hours.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks.

The head of the program: A.O.Ismailov- Candidate of Technical Sciences, head teacher, V.B.Biktimirova- head teacher, A.K.Bermagambetov- head teacher.

The control form – defence of the electronic educational edition.


Purpose: to teach how to create own electronic educational resources



  • to acquaint with tools for electronic resources;
  • to acquaint with web-design bases;
  • to know how to use the received skills, during creation of electronic educational resources.


Material and technical fund: presentations, multimedia tasks.


Expected results: The comprehensive program, allowing gaining system and structured knowledge in the field of creation of electronic educational resources with use of various means of multimedia.


Topics of courses

Electronic resource concept. Classification of electronic educational resources. Standardization of resources. Copyright on electronic resources. Structure of electronic educational and methodical capacity of the educational program. Structure of electronic resources on the separate discipline. The principles of creation of the electronic educational resources, providing studying of the theoretical material of discipline. The principles of the resources creation, providing practical skills and support of their independent work. Functions of computer tests and recommendation about their development. Stages and tools of electronic resources development. Scenario preparation. Organization of interface and data output. Use of multimedia in case of resources development. Materials preparation for computer control of knowledge and registration of the test. Information and communication infrastructure of the education organization. Pedagogical design and its interrelation with ELR. Efficiency evaluation of an education course with use of ELR. Development of an electronic educational resource and its lifecycle. From electronic educational resources to information and education environments.


Educational program


1.9 Modern technologies of project management.


Total amount of hours – 36 hours.

Duration of the course – 2 weeks.

The head of the program: O.S.Salykova - Candidate of Technical Sciences, associate professor, I.V.Ivanova - Candidate of pedagogic sciences, head teacher, V.B.Biktimirova - head teacher, A.K.Bermagambetov - head teacher.

The control form – examination.


Purpose: To acquaint listeners with modern methods of project management



  • to give an idea about effective instruments of initiation, planning, execution, control to managers;
  • to make recommendations about creation of the corporate project management system;
  • using of this knowledge in practice will provide efficiency increase of project realization, according to requirements of the customer, in fixed terms and within the budget.


Material and technical fund: presentations, multimedia tasks.


Expected results: The comprehensive program, allowing gaining system and structured knowledge of methods and acceptances of development and control of the project schedule plan with use of MicrosoftProject, and also skills of individual and collective work on the project with use of the solution of MicrosoftEnterpriseProjectManagement (EPM).


Topics of courses

 The classification of basic concepts of projects management. The classification of project types. Purpose and strategy of projects. The project result. Controlled parameters of the project. Project environment. Project cycle. Project structuring. Functions and subsystems of project management. Methods of projects management. Organizational structures of projects management. Project participants. Personnel management and communication in the project. Schedule and budget of the project: effective planning, management and control. Practical methods of effective management by risks in projects and programs. Planning and control of projects implementation with use of MicrosoftProject 2007.


Educational program


1.10 Elementary mathematics for pupils and colleges graduates, entering to the university


Total amount of hours – 72 hours.

Duration of the course – 4 weeks.

The head of the program: S.M.Ryschanova- head teacher.

The control form – examination.



- mastering by main methods of a solution of the mathematics problems; 

- formation of skills of the independently solution of problems.   




- level increase of fundamental mathematical training of learners;

- imparting skills of mathematical apparatus’ use at the solution of various problems to learners;

- promote to the development of logical thinking and creative abilities of learners;

- to form abilities to expand and  deepen independently mathematical knowledge at learners;

- formation a certain amount of  mathematical knowledge, skills at learners;

- skills acquisition of a solution of standard and non-standard mathematical problems.


Material and technical resources: presentations, test tasks, questions for questionnaires holding.


Expected results: to knowmathematics in volume of work program hours, to know how to make analysis of mathematical problems, to work independently with main and additional literature on mathematics.


Topics of courses

1. Newton binomial. Identical transformation of expressions.

Polynomial factoring. Identical transformations of rational, irrational, exponential and logarithmic expressions.

2. Equations and inequalities.

 The equivalence of equations. Rational equations. Equations, containing a variable under the modulus sign. Systems of rational equations. Irrational, exponential, logarithmic equations.

2. Rational, irrational, exponential, logarithmic inequalities.

3. Trigonometric functions of numeric argument and its graphs. Transformation of trigonometric expressions.

Identical transformations of trigonometric expressions. Inequalities proof. Inverse trigonometric functions and its graphs. Trigonometric equations and inequalities.

4. Triangles, quadrangles, circle. Similarity of geometric shapes.

Right, isosceles and arbitrary triangles. Parallelogram. Trapezoid. Circle. Inscribed and circumscribed triangles. Arbitrary arrangement of circle and triangle. Circle and quadrangle. Regular polygons. Inscribed and circumscribed polygons. Length of circumference of a circle and area of a circle. Combined problems.

5. Lines and  planes in space.

Lines and planes in space. Mutual arrangement of lines and planes. Perpendicularity of lines and planes. The content of a topic. Dihedral and polyhedral angles. Prism, parallelepiped, pyramid. Cylinder, cone, sphere. Calculation of surface area and volumes of geometric solids.