Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

TV studio






Educational - television studio




     The educational television studio exists since 2000 on the Journalism department and communication management, but it passes the stage of technical re-equipment in the last two years. The equipment allows performing digital and nonlinear editing, the software is corresponding.  


    The main functional purpose of TV studio is a conditions creation for acquisition of the initial skills of work with a video camera, conducting shootings, audio and video editing, mastering of fundamentals of TV journalism and TV production by the students, future TV reporters.  



     At the first year the students practice in the writing, and then in the shootings and editing, TV sketches "My friend!". On the second and third courses they try the forces in preparation of thematic plots, author's programs. On the fourth course the students work on the documentary project. Within the educational disciplines "Television journalism", "Technology of training of TV broadcasts", "Organization of news service on TV", "Creation of the documentary film", "Release of TV broadcasts" the students as one of the control forms represent the creative works: plots for the information release Zhastar-TV. For the first time in this year the broadcast of information releases managed to systematize, which go on the air with an interval of 2 weeks.


     The work in the educational studio allows creating the creative atmosphere, to construct educational process by the principles of creativity, to direct it to the practical course. In prospect the creation of student's TV with the organization of the air in all KSU educational buildings of A. Baitursynov.



     The student’s works are available to viewing on the YouTube video portal