High school editions is a youth format!
The KSU media center actively cooperates with the republican, regional and city mass media on attraction them to promotion of activity of the university. After all in the conditions of the competition it is necessary that information on higher education institution was known by wide circles of the population including from lips of journalists and TV men. Journalists of local editions are constant guests and participants of all events held within the walls of the university. During the whole year the realization of the PR companies of the university is conducted. Commercials are created, advertizing texts are written, reports are prepared. In addition, materials about the events which have occurred in KSU, on the university site, in the university editions – the Bilym Zharysy newspaper, the Zhas Urken-Kostanay magazine and in the network of an internal television broadcasting of the university regularly take place.
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The university student's newspaper "Bilym Zharysy" has long-term traditions and is recognizable among students not only at the Kostanay state university, but also in many other higher education institutions. The first number of "youth teams" left on March 22, 1998 and in 2013 the Bilym Zharysy newspaper celebrates the 15 anniversary. Both students of faculty of journalism of KSU named A.Baytursynov were her main initiators and authors! Specifics of the faculty dictate the requirements therefore on "journalism faculty" only gifted and able-bodied young men and girls study. From the very beginning of their study the university imposes quite rigid requirements to professional formation therefore already from the first course future journalists start trying the forces in various mass media. The newspaper reflected as a practical base for students of the faculty of journalism and in the first years of its existence in it, materials of students of this faculty were generally published. Then the circulation of the newspaper made 1000 copies, and there was it once a month the four-band volume of the A3 format.
For years of the existence of the newspaper different formats were tried. Having begun the history as the faculty’s, it at first left as the independent edition then as the annex to the regional newspaper "Kostanayskiye Novosti", and since May 2006 till March, 2009 the Bilym Zharysy newspaper left as "the newspaper in the newspaper" in the republican weekly "Kazakh" with a circulation more than 5 thousand copies. And it is deeply symbolical, after all the first founder of the Kazakh newspaper is our fellow countryman Ahmet Baytursynov. The father of the Kazakh journalism, Ahmet Baytursynov issued in due time the Kazak newspaper and turned it into a loud-hailer of the Kazakh intellectuals.
The name "Бiлiм Zharysy" in translation means "Competition of knowledge". And therefore it is quite natural that the student's newspaper "Бiлiм Zharysy" issued on the basis of KSU carries on A.Baytursynov's traditions, publishing materials both in Kazakh, and in Russian languages, propagandizing knowledge and bearing first of all educational and educational functions.
Now the newspaper leaves with a circulation more than 1500 copies the A3 format with frequency once a month (the last Friday of every month). Materials are published in it on the most different subjects: problems of students, event, achievement of students and teachers, qualitative journalistic materials on topics of the day, everything that steadily accompanies student's life. Many events held within the walls of the university find reflection in the newspaper. Here each student can find materials which correspond to his interests, and also to participate in a newspaper creation. In addition to a paper version students of the specialty "Journalists" publish also the electronic version of the newspaper.
The newspaper tries to react to those political events which occur in our republic. Besides, journalists of the newspaper among whom and students, acted as initiators of image projects. For example, the Bilym Zharysy newspaper held the charitable event "Children of the Sun" in which not only students of humanitarian and social faculty participated, but also all the university. During an action children from children's home received gifts from edition, and this initiative was noted by local mass media: on television, radio, in newspapers the initiative of students of KSU was noted more than once. Also journalists took part in the stock "Create Good in All Universe", "Clear water", in an action "Alliance of Youth of Kazakhstan against Drugs".
The newspaper almost completely is issued by the forces of students of the specialty "Journalism". Working over newspaper creation, students can try out as the journalist, the maker-up, the PR manager, the proofreader, the press photographer. And as a result they gain the competences necessary for successful self-realization and further professional activity.
By the way, if earlier students were authors of materials generally, today and the faculty actively cooperates with the newspaper. Weeks of chair, faculty events, advertizing of faculties – it is possible to find all this on pages of the university newspaper.
Another edition of the university – Zhas Orken - Kostanay magazine – has publicistic character, and positions itself as the scientific and informative, literary and art edition. Workmanship of the magazine doesn't concede to glossy editions it has good paper, imposition. The contents of the magazine correspond to the edition status, it is possible to find articles about cultural and educational, historical subjects. All publications are issued only in the Kazakh language. The magazine is focused on different audience, it is read both by students, and by more senior generation. By the way, the magazine is extended not only in the Kostanay region, it is brought in the republican catalog of subscription editions. Not only students, but also known publicists and journalists of our area act in it as authors.
For the purpose of development of the specialty "Journalism" at the university, at chair of journalism and communication management, in 2000 the educational television studio was created ,which became an important element in receiving journalistic education, the knowledge tool students of technology of journalistic skill, acquisition of skills of creation of journalistic materials. In 2010 the television station was technically re-equipped with the modern film-making and erection facilities, the corresponding software, allowing to carry out record and digital and nonlinear installation video and an audiomaterial.
The basic functional purpose of television studio is the creation of conditions for acquisition by students, future TV reporters, initial skills of work with a video camera, conducting shootings, audio-and video-tape editing, assimilation of fundamentals of telejournalism and television direction. At the same time students try the forces before a television camera as TV hosts. Occupations in specialized offices approach journalistic education to formats of professional activity, promote improvement of quality of media education and competitiveness of graduates of the university.
From the first course students master working methods in information genres by preparation of sketches "My friend", on the second and third courses they try their forces in preparation of thematic plots, author's programs.
On a third year within discipline "Technology of preparation of telecasts" students carry out development of a role-playing game on the subject "Talk-show on Television", "Televised debates". The program of the third-year students of "Star.kqu" is the result of corporative creativity in which students carried out duties of the journalist, the director, the operator.
Special creative activity and creativity is shown by students of the 1st and 2nd courses by preparation of plots for the university television information release of "Zhastar-TV". With an interval of times in 2 weeks they prepare information releases of "Zhastar-TV" which are broadcast on a cable television in all KSU educational cases of A.Baytursynov and cause a particular interest in students and teachers.
Students of the 4th course are engaged in the development of the final work which represent as the documentary project, an analytical material on the basis of media researches. For example, whether students of the 4th course worked over documentary projects "Is ir easy to be young? ", "Professions at the theater", "Ak kelin", "The Internet and the youth", etc. The student of the final year Baybosynova Diana tried a genre of a portrait sketch
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During the work in the educational teleradio studio educational process found not only additional and quite effective information and creative opportunities, but also opened prospects for self-realization of students. All this gives the chance to students to join actively in professional activity, to gain skills of the universal journalist even in the course of training.