Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

"Under the roof of his house"

A well-known fact that students live in the hostel as a romantic fact biography is available only for students coming from other regions of the Republic.  The hostel is a special world, where especially evident all the hidden side of human nature. We can say that the hostel is not only discipline and order is a school of life!!! Important qualities in hostel are honesty, mutual support and solidarity, understanding and emotional stability.


Student life is not easy, because every day he is forced to absorb a huge amount of information, experience a range of emotions, including negative ones, associated with the different control, tests and exams, to solve many everyday problems. Who, as a student, you will be able to understand your problem? Comrade roommates can become the best friend, who can support both in learning and in life.




In the University there are two dormitories which modern called Houses of students.


Student's house №1 (for 400 persons) built in March 1986, located in the city center in Pushkin street, 138. For a comfortable stay living rooms for 2-3 persons equipped with necessary furniture, there are four in the section with a separate bathroom. Nine household rooms-kitchen, two bathrooms, Laundry room with modern washing machines-machines, equipped with an Ironing room. For cultural rest computer class with Internet access, a TV lounge. Students have the opportunity to everyday basis to read the latest press, which is issued by the University.


Student's house №2 on 320 places appeared on 22 October 2012 in KSU located in the southern part of the city on Abay Avenue 28. Under the hostel was reconstructed, a former five-storey academic building. In this case even when it was the agricultural Institute was a hostel, but later it came to the academic building. New revival of student's House №2 for the students of the southern part of the University is very convenient.


With the opening of a hostel in this area of Kostanay leadership of KSU step towards the creation of a campus. Now on one fenced territory, there are several academic buildings, educational-production workshops, a number of sports objects, innovative research and educational center, training laboratories.


he University administration is constantly working on improving the housing conditions of students. Planned major repairs of a building of student's house №1. 


Every year the residents of hostels to choose from among their peers Student Soviet. The Soviet works as a liaison between the students and the administration, is working to promote a culture of their stay, the careful relation to property, mutual respect, control discipline and order of accommodation of students, organises  duty, leisure living.


Students occupy from 1 September for one academic year by the decision of the housing Commission, composed of representatives of Student councils and heads of the dormitories, representatives of the Department of educational work and students ' trade Union. When checking in, priority is given to students from among children-orphans, the holders of government grants, with preferences for free accommodation, students coming from other regions of the Republic, from large families, invalids.