Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

Debate Centre

The parliamentary debates is one of the most widespread intellectual student's movements in the world. This game is known more than in fifty countries of Europe, America and Asia, it allows to develop skills of critical thinking, public statements and the argument, teaches students to argue the point of view, avoiding prooflessness and adducing powerful arguments.


The participants of debates learn to think quickly, quickly to draw necessary knowledge from memory. Game develops an outlook of participants, moves them to receiving new knowledge in various areas.



Yekaterina Smyshlyaeva, the executive secretary of the Youth wing "Zhas Otan" across the Kostanay region says:



Debates’ tournaments, we always speak so, this it the  wealth of intellectual youth. And in principle, if adults who are related to decision-making process business elite, political elite, are invited to these debates’ tournaments, here it is possible to hear many creative ideas which young people can say today.


  Principles of debates

The first principle: debate teaches much.

Debates are organized so that to help to gain knowledge and the abilities necessary for prosperity in modern democratic society. According to this principle, the first mission of debate is training. In other words, training has  bigger value than a victory.


The second principle: honesty obligation

If training and improvement of abilities is more important, than the victory, it will be less motives for a juggling of arguments. Honesty is a core of debate. The task of the participant of debate is to be honest in the arguments, in use of certificates and in answers in the period of cross questions.


The third principle: respect

Debates don't concern the identity of participants, it is impossible to humiliate the person that he has other point of view. Debates concern ideas and their collision, and also what ideas are useful to mankind. And in collision of ideas by the only acceptable weapon there can be only reasonable arguments. In other words, "to attack" arguments, reasonings and certificates  but not the opponent.



The initiative, creative youth of higher education institution united by debate club "Akhmet Urpaktary", is the recognized leader of debate movement not only area, but also the republic as a whole.


The confirmation of it is carrying out already the 7th Republican debate’s tournament on a cup of the leader of Kostanay state university named A.Baytursynov which has gathered 60 teams in the Kazakh and Russian leagues from more than 30 educational institutions, representing 12 regions of the country.






Our members are the winners of debate tournaments:
● 1st place at the International debate tournament in the British parliamentary format (Barnaul , Russia, 2008);
● 1st place at the National Championship of Kazakhstan parliamentary debate (Astana, 2009) ;
● 1st place at the Republican debate tournament for the cup of "Nur Otan" ( Kokshetau, 2009) ;
● prizes at the provincial, municipal and regional tournaments.
Debate Club "Akhmet urpaktary" - a voluntary community of outstanding and interesting people who want to learn an effective communication. With skills acquired through debate, they are in most cases, become prosperous, well-known people.




If you are ready to take an active part in the life of a student club, if you are interested in intellectual games and exercises to develop various psychological and cognitive abilities, then Debate Club "Akhmet urpaktary" is your way to success in professional activities, meeting interesting people and fascinating leisure



Whoever you were - economist, agronomist, manager, lawyer or engineer, the ability to build speech, find the most important arguments in a limited time, not to worry when speaking in public -all this is useful in your future career.