Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.

The student lives not only the study!

The students’ life is a unique time, the fine and memorable period in the life of each person.


And student's life isn't limited only to visit of lectures, seminars, laboratory and libraries! The student's life is more various, the development of the student is fuller. The student lives not only the study: his life is many-sided and interesting therefore are popular sports, music, dances and mass of other interesting things – here is far not the full list of hobbies of students.


At our university there are so many opportunities to open the talents: it is possible to sing, dance, play though on dombyra though on saxophone, to test as the actor … and then to prove to be on a big scene. There would be a desire – and a choice huge.

All this can be received in the university studio of arts "Oner". This is both vocal art, and tool performance, and choreography, and poetic creativity, and at last, art reading. The National akyn of Kazakhstan Berkenova Asiya Ayipovna directs studio.






Practice shows that the most attractive in creativity is the opportunity to appear on the stage. Only all want to do this successfully, to gain public recognition. All this is real for the students interested in creative activity. On the one hand, the help of masters is necessary, and they are in “Oner” studio, on another hand this is desire and aspiration of students. And this is the ability to combine creativity with study, in the other competently to distribute own time and forces. More it is required nothing. Everything is very simple. You are to us with the aspiration, we are to you the professional skills.

Not only the students of creative specialties visit the studio with pleasure, but also students, whose future specialties don't connect with art. For example, future agronomists, engineers, lawyers, etc. Not only sense of beautyis developed in them, but also their natural inclinations and abilities are developed. The skill both certain students, and various creative collectives are being perfect in the studio:  known in the area the dancing ensemble Badrisafa, ensembles of vocalists, national tools, akyns. At festive concert of the city and the university there are pupils of Oner studio always "at height".






The most ancient type of musical art is the vocal music for a voice. The students who are engaged in the vocal studio, are constant participants of concerts and student's evenings. The vocalists reach considerable heights, working hard, the confirmation is that they take prizes in various competitions.

Students learn to execute classical romances under piano maintenance. Songs of Russians and the Kazakh composers are selected by vocal opportunities of students.







The ensemble of the Kazakh national tools. Along with traditional in the ensemble there are such national tools as kobyz are used also, got, a bass dombrs, tuyak and a sherter, syldyrmak, an accordion. In work there is the repertoire: "Адай", "Torzhorga", "Ate айрылған", "Balbyrauyn", "Altynay", "Kor guly", "Alkissa", "Murager", "Konel ashar", "Armand", "Aryngazy", etc. The performances of the ensemble decorate festive and holiday events of the university and cultivate love to native musical culture in students.



Along with participation in the ensemble Oner studio students perfect the skill in individual game on different tools







The way of the life of these or those people finds reflection not only in its musical and poetic art, in the song, but also in dance art. Choreography is in translation with Greek "horeo" – "dancing", "grapho" - "write". Originally this term was used as "a record of dance".

In the studio the choreographic collective "Badrisafa" is created. Ahmet Baytursynov's wife is called so, the faithful companion of his life. In the repertoire there are such dances, as "Country", "Celestial secret", "Shattyқ", "Daughter of the Faraon", "Kiyz bassu", "Bozingen", "Modernist style", "Twist", "Modern", "Michael Jackson", "Irish", "East beauties", "Nomad", "Kyzgaldak".







In the studio akyns – improvisators also are engaged. On the basis of KSU there were 4 interregional aitys of young akyns – students. In this genre  there is certain progress too. In poetry section talented students master skills of poetic creativity and participate in the aityses.