Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On the Management and Business Administration Department of KSU from December 7 to 15, the competition on the essay writing on the topic «Tauelsizdik tugyry buikte» was held within 25 year of the Independence of Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the event is to identify level of consciousness and citizenship of students, promote to formation of respectful attitude to the country and its perspectives. The objectives of the competition: promotion and propaganda of ideas of progressive development of the republic, giving the opportunity to young people for expression of views and ideas, dealt with their concerns, stimulation of active citizenship position of students. More than 15 students took part in the competition. On December 20, the results were known. The winners of the competition became: 1st place - Moldir Dauletova, 1st year student, Kazakh group; 2nd place - Abai Balmash, 1st year student, Kazakh group; 3rd place - Maksim Dyundik, 1st year student, Russian group. Students showed the high level of the interest to this event. Participants were awarded by the diplomas and money prizes.
The doctor of philological sciences, professor of RAS (Russia, Moscow) Irina Sovetovna Karabulatova held the courses on the topic «Evolution of polylinguocultural linguistic identity in the situation of globalization and migration» at the Languages and Literature’s Theory Department of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. Speaking to teachers, scientists, master students and students-philologist of University, professor I.S.Karabulatova told about problems of language contacts, onomatology, psycholinguistics, lingvofolkloristics, ethnopsycholinguistic problem of intercultural communication in the training of students and master students of «Philology» speciality. Also the programme on the discipline «Non-verbal means of communication in the aspect of polylinguasim» was developed for master students (authors: I.S.Karabulatova, B.Z.Akhmetova). The professor I.S.Karabulatova offered to cooperate under the framework of the contract about international and scientific cooperation: actively hold the collaborative research of the projects, studying the mega-conceptual phenomenon of transformation of the modern personality in the electronic and information age.
Two-week classes were held by the professor of Paris Ouest Nanterre La Defense University (France) Anna Makerova in A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. Practical classes were organized within the programme of invitation of the leading foreign scientists, implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Academic study was prepared and conducted for teachers and master students of our University. The main topic of the course was «Social linguistics» - science of language, studying the general patterns of language in various social conditions. In this regard, lections and practical classes were held in French, Russian and Kazakh languages. The classes had the practical character. Listeners prepared presentations, wrote the interview on different languages and learned how to analyze the companion.  The research works, built on the real practical materials, were very fascinating. Also Anna Makerova held the seminar on the social linguistics on the topic «Writing the scientific article in the foreign magazine», which was very productive and interesting. During the work of the seminar, listeners additionally had looked into the history of origin of the pidgin (plain language), analyzed peculiarities of the bilingualism. Also the analysis of examples of language policy in the different countries was made. «It is my second visit in A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. I want to say that the participants of my classes demonstrated themselves very well. Social linguistics is a very fascinating topic, and use of intermediary language promotes to the success linguistic and social and cultural adaptation of the specialists, because certain concepts, which work in the conditions of French-speaking and Russian-speaking environment, are not applicable in Kazakh-speaking» - A.Makerova noted. Listeners of A.Makerova’s courses know new information about synthetic languages and languages of different people and countries. The meetings passed in constructive, creative and inspiring environment. Such open communication, experience exchange, deep interest of all participants always creates strong basis for partnership development and raising the level of the teaching.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina 
The large-scale anti-corruption action under the name «CLEAN SESSION» was started in A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The main purpose is an action against corruption, ensuring transparency and strengthening measures, directed on effective and operative prevention of corruption in the system of education. Under the «Clean session» action, the events for ensuring objectivity and transparency of exam session were organized in KSU, which were directed on the exclusion of informal relation and corruption in the educational sphere. Anti-corruption propaganda has been holding at the University.  «Confidence boxes» for proposals and comments were placed on all faculties of the University, students posts were created on the faculties, information  and outreach group were working,  which included the 4-year students of «Jurisprudence» speciality , anti-corruption posters were placed on the stands.  Also under the programme, group of independent experts were created, which included teachers of the Higher Education Institution. As part of the action the helpline (39-01-88) was created, on which students and master students can inform about known facts of violation. «The information work on the topic of quality satisfaction of education service’s providing and examination is held at the moment, open discussion of the problems is organized, which is connected with negative facts in the period of winter exam session» - were noted by the head of planning and organization of academic process A.O.Ismailov.   The management of Kostanay State University encourages students and master students to take active part in the prevention of the corruption in the University and control the behavior of «Clean session» and demand justice within own rights on the quality education.   KSU press secretary: Alla Chechetkina
With the appeal «House to Bazarov’s family - Every little bit helps», Liliya Vaganovna Sarkissyan adressed students and teacher of KSU. Everybody knows about the accident, which was happened with the family of school teacher of mathematics, father of four children Yerbol Bazarov. They came to our country from Uzbekistan 5 years ago. They don’t have relatives here, so when the accident happened, they didn’t have anywhere else to go. Thanks to kind people, who gave houseroom to Bazarov’s. Their house was burning, when the owners weren’t home. The family stayed in the hard situation. The professor of the psychology and pedagogy department, the chairman of regional council of mothers to the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Liliya Sarkissyan learnt about this situation. She determined to help Bazarov’s family and began the activity. The rector of A.Baitursynov KSU Khussain Khassenovich Valiyev responded to the call for assistance. The academic teaching staff, staff of University, trade union organization of KSU under the leadership of the chairman Nurlan Bekentayevich Mamiyev and students supported this idea. Within 3 days, the amount for buying the house to Bazarov’s family was collected. One and a half million were collected. The amount was enough for buying house and furniture. On December 15, on the eve of celebration of the day of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the chairman of the union committee Nurlan Bekentayevich Mamiyev, professor of the psychology and pedagogy department, chairman of regional council of mothers to the Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan Liliya Vaganovna Sarkissyan, the head specialist of strategic development department, associate professor of informatics and mathematics department Meirambek Gabdualiyevich Tastanov, chairman of students’ union committee of KSU Aslan Manatov went to Bazarov’s family and gave the collected money in order to they could buy house. We want to wish many years of happy life to Bazarov’s family. We thanks everybody, who helped to this family. The goodness, which we made, will live in history of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University forever. It will come back doubly to us. So let's do well every day!
Expecting 25 years of the Independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the thematic meeting with the students of speciality «Computers and Software» took place at A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The dean of information technologies Nurlan Amirovich Medetov and head of software department Olga Sergeyecna Salykova congratulated everybody with the holiday. The 1st year student educated on «Serpin - 2050» programme Madina Assan professionally performed the kuy on the dombra, the 3rd year student of Russian department Yuliya Kakora sang the patriotic songs. Also students read the poems devoted to the Independence Day. In general, the event passed in warm friendly atmosphere.
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