Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


On February 3, 2017, the meeting of students with the specialist of Municipal State-Owned Public Enterprise «Kostanay Regional Centre of healthy lifestyle’s formation problems» E.E.Yessenova on the topic «Prevention of bronchial asthma» took place on Agriculture and Biology Faculty of Kostanay State University. The purpose of the training was a raising awareness of students with the basic factors of healthy lifestyle and prevention of bronchial asthma. «Easier to prevent any disease rather than to cure. Therefore, every person should know primary prevention’s principles of bronchial asthma. Starting at an early age, parents should teach own children to the cleanliness in the room, wet cleaning, airing, which prevent the dust appearing in the accommodation» - noted the specialist E.E.Yessenova. Students expressed a big interest to the touched topic and actively asked questions.
KSU teachers of Ecology Department of Agriculture and Biology Faculty G.B.Yunussova and A.I.Khassanova participated in training on the topic «Integral management of water resources (IMWR): economic and legal aspects». The training took place at German-Kazakh University for teachers of the water sector of Kazakh Higher Education Institutions within the collaborative project EU/ UNDP /UNECE «Kazakhstan’s support for the transition to the model of green economy». The lectures and extra-mural practical classes hold B.Janusz-Pawletta - professor of German-Kazakh University (Almaty), M.P. van Dijk- professor of UNESCO Institute for Water Education (Delft, Netherlands), professor S.Ibatullin - UNECE consultant from Kazakhstan, associate professor M.Narbayev - the Aral Saving Fund, the executive directorate in Kazakhstan, A.Nikolayenko - regional councillor of GIZ TWMCA. Listeners received the picture of institutional and legal frameworks of the impacts of hydropower, water consumption of industrial enterprises and utilities sectors, sustainable farming on the water resources of Kazakhstan. The situation in the countries of EU and Africa was described for comparison. The implemented examples were demonstrated, for example, in China and Singapore, the economic analysis of ecological and social data by the methods of benchmarking allows choosing rational means for water use on the regional level. Thus, effects are created in agriculture (rational use of land and water resources), in social sphere (sustainable practices of water use). In the case of complex and longstanding environmental protection around the Aral was demonstrated how this complex of ecological, economic and social instruments works, resulting in the positive, and also to the negative results. The received skills of legal and economic information’s using were valuable for the impact assessment on the water resources. 
On January 27, 2017, the round table on the topic «Problems of graduates employment and ways of its solution» took place at the Veterinary and Livestock Technology Faculty of A.Baitursynov KSU. The purpose of the meeting was assistance to graduates employment and their social and psychological adaptation to the conditions of labour market. Moderators were teachers of veterinary medicine department: G.Kh.Khairov, G.A.Nagurbekova. Participants of the round table: Sh.Zh.Tasmagambetov - head of department GI «Regional veterinary department of Kostanay region akimat», heads of government institutions, veterinary departments of akimats  of Altynsarin, Kostanay, Karabalyk, Karassu, Fedorov regions, teachers and students. «The graduation of some 100 veterinarians is expected, more 50 among them are students of full-time education, including 11 people, who are studying on the rural quota»- noted M.Zh.Aubakirov, head of veterinary medicine department. Representatives expressed their involvement in the graduates’ employment, told about the characteristics of own institution, about conditions of recruitment and work by the profession, and answered numerous questions of future specialists. Also employers wished that students would pass successfully state examinations and diploma defence, and join the veterinary specialists and successfully begin work activities after University graduation. 
On January 27, 2017, the lesson on the topic «Day in honour of memory of Akhmet Baitursynov» was held in the auditorium of Akhmet Baitursynov museum. The 1st and 2nd year students of «History» and «Regional Study» of Law Faculty of KSU took active part in the action. The purpose of the lesson: to tell about personality and activity of Kazakh public and public figure, educator, scientist-linguist, literary scholar, turcologist and translator Akhmet Baitursynov to students. The head teacher of the history department Akmaral Yerikovna Yeralina gave a presentation on the topic «Alash Orda and destinies of people of Kostanay region on the pages of the archival documents». After the exciting story of Akmaral Yerikovna, the future historians understood the value of memory, connected with the Great educator Akhmet Baitursynov and information, which they received this day. The report aroused positive emotions at the students and they actively asked the interesting questions. The student Riza Daniyarov prepared small report and presentation on the topic «About life and activity of A.Baitursynov». Dinara Makhmetova performed with the topic «A.Baitursynov - expert of the rights of Kazakhs». And Maksat Alin told «About centenary of«Alash Orda» party». In the break between the presentations, students had a chance to watch the film called «A.Baitursynov». And then the excursion was held for students, where future specialists learnt more about work of the Great son of the Kazakhs people, spiritual leader of nation. The students expressed their gratitude to Akmaral Yerikovna Yeralina for the opportunity to contribute to the development of Akhmet Baitursynov museum. We hope that the lesson will remain in their hearts!
The «Flame lighting» ceremony of XXVIII International Winter Universiade was held on 26 January 2017 near the main building of A.Baitursynov Kostanay State University. The KSU rector Khussain Khassenovich Valiyev, heads and students of University took active part in the important event. It should be reminded that 2 year student of humanities and social sciences faculty Vitaliy Pukhkalo and 2 year master student of economics faculty Ebel Valentina will participate in the International Winter Universiade at skiing competitions. The staff and students of Kostanay State University wish our students victory on the competitions!
Our University can boast by many achievements in science. The KSU students of information technology faculty of «Mathematics» speciality proved it again. Mathematics is a foundation of science. In the words of scientist M.V.Lomonosov, «People have to learn mathematics because it puts mind in order». It was the idea, which our students - winners of V Republican competition of research works of pupils and students «Zhas Galym», support. The Republican competition was organized by the «ZIAT» scientific and methodical centre. 2 year students of «Mathematics» speciality participated in this competition and took prizes places. Dinara Umirtayevna and Togzhan Ginolla took 1st place and Anna Kolesnikova - 3rd place. We express a big gratitude to scientific advisors Gulnar Zhalgasovna Berdenova and Saniya Mikhamedyarovna Ryshanova. Students made a big job and sent own scientific and research works at the end of December, and then waited the results, which were known after the New Year on the website of the «ZIAT» centre. Of course, the result met expectations. The staff of Mathematics Department congratulates students and their scientific advisor with victory and wishes further success in the research works.
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