Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


      On October 21, 2015 the seminar with participation of representatives of SA "Nur Makhabbat" on the theme "Marriage as Family Basis" passed at the economics faculty.       The purpose of seminar holding is formation of the notion of the family values of the youth environment and support of young families.     The honorary member of Academy of pedagogical sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the excellent student of education RK A.I. Suslova conducted the seminar.         Students of 3-4 courses of the following specialties took part in work of the seminar: 5B050600-Economics, 5B050800-Accounting and audit, 5B050900-Finance, 5B051000- Government and local management.           During the seminar the discussion on the problems of modern marriage, functions of marriage and types of families took place between participants.
      On October 21 within further improvement of educational work the tournament on the board and entertaining game "Jackal" was organized by the department of accounting and audit of economics faculty in the House of students No.2 .         In this game students could compete in the dexterity, courage, ability to build cunning strategy, and also to go forward and not to be afraid of the arisen difficulties. "This game was invented 30 years ago by the Moscow students, and allows not only to spend cheerfully time, but also properly to improve the skills of communication and ability to think strategically.          In 2012 the game "Jackal" was recognized the best board game of the year in Russia. It is pleasant that this game found the judges in our city..." - said the teacher of department of accounting and audit Bedych Evgeny, and concurrently the main judge of the tournament.           The main purpose of this action was the development of creative thinking of the tournament participants, opportunity to show the skills of effective management and creation of team in the game environment. According to the results of the tournament two best players were awarded by sweet prizes. "As it seems to me such tournaments are not only the fine opportunity from the new side to recognize themselves, but also chance once again to compete in the knowledge and abilities which are cultivated in us our higher education institution. We look forward the following tournament!" – said one of the tournament winners Auyesheva Aigerim.
      On October 13, 2015 the round table devoted to the 70 anniversary of the Victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War, in particular to memory of our fellow countryman Kasym Akhmetov, passed in the conference room of economics faculty.       The moderator of this meeting was Dr.Econ.Sci., professor S. M. Zhiyentayev.           Cand.Phil.Sci., professor K.Kh. Zhakyp, Dr.Hist.Sci.,  professor D. M. Legkiy, Cand.Phil.Sci., professor Yu. Ya. Bondarenko, Cand.Hist.Sci., the associate professor S. S. Ismailov, Dr.Hist.Sci., professor A.A. Aitmukhambetov, teaching staff, masters and students of economics faculty took part in the work of round table.       The chairman of the regional council of Kostanay region’s veterans K. U. Ukin and the niece of K. Akhmetova Gulsum Akhmetova were special guests of meeting.           In September, 1939 Kassim Akhmetov left to serve in the army from Tolengut aul of Mendykara district of Kostanay region. He was the participant of the Finnish war, then he battled on fronts of the Great Patriotic War.            In one of such battles in July of the 1943rd, under storm artillery and machine-gun fire he was the first, who raised in attack and with an appeal "For Motherland", "For Stalin", inspired all troop. The heroism of Akhmetov promoted to defeat of the German group and development of all offensive operation.        For the courage and heroism shown in battles, he was awarded by medals "The Great Patriotic War 1941-1945"of the I degree, "Glory" of the III degree and Order of the Red Banner. And in December, 1943 as the commander of troop of the second rifle company of the 244th rifle regiment of the 41st rifle division he was presented to a rank of the Hero of the Soviet Union. 
      On October 15-16, 2015 within scientific and creative cooperation the meeting of teaching staff of the department  of accounting and audit and students of the specialty "Accounting and Audit" with the Doctor of Economics, professor, the general director of the international auditor firm "Grant Thorton" (Almaty) - Erzhanov Mukhtar Saltayevich was organized by department of accounting and audit of economics faculty. The dean of economics faculty N. Baranova presented at a meeting.           M.S. Erzhanov took active part in the development of the first Kazakhstan legislation on accounting and audit, he created and developed the office of one of the companies of Big Four in Kazakhstan where successfully operated by large projects of audit, including the first international audit of National Bank of the Republic of Kazakhstan.           M.S. Erzhanov prepared 13 doctors of science and 15 candidates of science in the sphere of accounting, audit, statistics, finance and banking in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan. He is an author more than 10 textbooks on audit, account and the taxation by which students of higher education institutions of the country are trained. Within the visit M.S. Erzhanov read problem lecture for students 4 courses, the specialties "Accounting and Audit" where the questions on problems of the account, audit and the analysis in modern conditions, and also prospects of development of registration and analytical system in the period of IFRS and ISA were touched.  
      On October 14, 2015 the meeting was held on economics faculty by the department of management and business administration concerning entrance on public service. This meeting was held for students of 4 courses of economics department with the workers of department of RK Agency on public service and to counteraction of corruption across the Kostanay region, the director of KSI “Employment center of the City of Kostanay”.   Graduating students received information about conditions and opportunities of employment on public service.  
      On October 13, 2015 the gala concert of first-year students of engineering technical faculty and faculty of agriculture and biology passed in the assembly hall of the building No. 2         Deans of faculties Essimkhanov Sayat Bakitovich and Kalimov Niyazbek Erkhanovich came to congratulate students, and also deputy director of the Center of youth initiative’s development Tolesh Mugzum Maralovich. In the end of concert the students were awarded by the memorable diplomas in different nominations.