Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


       On November 16, the Day of the financier and Day of national currency - tenge was celebrated on economics faculty.        The teaching staff of finance and banking department and students of specialty 5B050900-Finance celebrated the professional holiday – Day of the financier! Also this holiday is connected with implementation of national currency - tenge.           Within the celebration by the students of all courses of specialty 5B050900-Finance under the leadership of the responsible teacher of educational work of department A.S.Salkina the festive actions, which were included the congratulation of department teaching staff and the concert program, were organized.  
      On November 17, 2015 the scientific online conference on the theme "Unconventional energy as one of priorities of future economy" passed in the building No.2, audience No. 308.            The purpose of conference: increasing of a role of renewables in the Republic of Kazakhstan.       Teachers and master students from more than 10 higher education institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan took part in conference. The moderator of conference – platform G-Global, the responsible organizer - M. Kh. Dulaty TarSU.       The teachers of engineering technical faculty, students and master students of specialty 5B071800, 6M071800-Electricity energetics, 6M060400-Physics took part in conference from Kostanay state university. The responsible for the section, the head of department of electricity energetics and physics I.V.Koshkin performed with the report.
      The modern world is full of negative thoughts and actions which are connected with religion. What is it? And how to understand it? Why the terrorism and extremism pollute thoughts of hundred thousands people? The religion is sacred, it is impossible to forget about it. On November 9, 2015 for the purpose of prevention and protection of students against negative influence of various religious trends the meeting of 1and 2 course students with the religious studies scholar Sayan Koszhan and the main specialist of the religion management of the Kostanay region akimat Sapargali Abdiyev passed in the assembly hall of the building No. 2 of A. Baitursynov KSU.       The theme of meeting "Negative essence of nontraditional religious trends of Islam". During the meeting Sayan Koszhan told about Islam and mentioned that it is wrong to think badly about religion because all things, which  happen in the world, violence, wars in which innocent people die, isn’t connected with the real and fair Islam religion. There are new trends of Islam religion which ruin belief of the person. During the meeting Sapargali Abdiyev informed students about  that the theme of religion is included into the program of the country development, and  that each citizen of our country has the right to accept any belief which doesn't contradict laws of the Republic of Kazakhstan.             The meeting on which spoke about one of the world religions Islam passed very interestingly. Students learned for themselves a lot of useful information concerning this theme. According to the words of guests and organizers of this meeting, such informative meetings with students will pass more often.
     On November 9, 2015 the head teacher of philosophy department,  the center member of problems studying of interethnic and inter-confessional consent  at A. Baitursynova KSU G.Sh.Esbol led discussion with students of 1 course of the specialty "Accounting and Audit", "Economics", "Marketing" and "Government and local management" of economics faculty on the theme: "Spread of Islam on the Kazakh earth".  
       According to the concluded memorandum between department of the state revenues across Kostanay region and A. Baitursynov Kostanay state university  (economics faculty, department of accounting and audit) the problem lectures are given by members of department on a constant basis for improvement of students’ education quality of specialty 5B050800- Accounting and audit.            The joint project with department of the state revenues across the Kostanay region is realized. The educational laboratory "Office of the taxpayer", equipped with the software product "Information integration tax system of the Republic of Kazakhstan” is open at the department of accounting and audit.         On November 30, 2015 the lecture on the theme "Customs Affairs in the Republic of Kazakhstan and Customs Inspection within the Customs Legislation" is given.                The main specialists of a post customs control of Department audit’s Management Abil Oraztayev and Bagit Dyussekeyev made a speech at this lecture, also the dean of economics faculty N.A Baranova, teachers and students of department of accounting and audit were presented.             Questions on customs registration and customs inspection within the customs legislation were sounded.         Students  received irrefragable answers on all their questions.         More information about lecture on the site of Committee of state revenues of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan (kgd.gov.kz).  
       On Friday 06.11.2015 the meeting of economics faculty teaching staff with professor of Uludag University Filiz Giray (Turkey) passed in KSU.            The professor Filiz Giray  shared with her impressions about our university, Kostanay, Kazakhstan. At the end of meeting the memorable gifts and souvenirs were handed.