Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


       On November 30, 2015 online broadcasting of the message of the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev to the people of Kazakhstan passed in the conference room of A. Baitursynov KSU.          The management and staff of university, academic teaching staff, students and representatives of republican and local mass media took part in the viewing of the message.         In the message, which lasted more than hour and a half, the Head of state told about measures which need to be undertaken for successful overcoming of crisis. It was talked about already taken steps within programs "Nurly zhol", "Strategy-2030", Plan of the nation "100 concrete steps", and about that, which it is necessary to make. The head of state declared that the salaries will be increased in the social sphere, in the medical sphere and in the sphere of knowledge.         At the end of hearing of the message of the President the teachers, employees and students shared with the impressions and gave interview to the representatives of mass media.
     Problem lecture at department of accounting and audit        On November 25, 2015 the problem lecture on the discipline "The account and the reporting in the sphere of business" within the practice - oriented education for students of 3 courses of specialty 5B050800-Account and audit was given at the department of "Accounting and audit" by the director of auditor firm "Audit-Consulting" Mussabekova Sharbanu Adylgazyevna.          Sh.Mussabekova emphasized the importance and necessity of holding such lectures, directed on professional development of students in the sphere of audit and account, "dialogue platform" creations between employers and students in the questions of practical application of the Tax legislation.          The attention of students attracted the information on the main changes in the tax legislation of RK since 01.01.2016, restricting in organs of tax administration, order change of delivery of the tax accounts.
      "The country without corruption is the prosperous country"       On November 18 the ceremony of winners honouring of three republican competitions, which organized within the project of party "The Country without Corruption is the Prosperous Country" passed in Central office of Nur Otan party. This project is realized by the state social order of the Ministry of Culture and Sport of the Republic of Kazakhstan.       In October and November of the current year the competitions of caricatures on anti-corruption theme, competition of the social advertising "Kazakhstan without Corruption", and also the distance Olympic Games among pupils on knowledge of the anti-corruption legislation were held.      "Such competitions promote to the hostility strengthening of to the corruption among youth, and make an invaluable contribution in the elimination of corruption in our country" — the Secretary of Nur Otan party Kanybek Zhumash told.           In the competition the works of pupils, students, law enforcement officers and educational institutions personnel from all country were presented.        The 2 courses student of economics faculty of specialty the 5B051000- Government and local management Tanatkanova Arailym became the winner of the Caricatures competition.           Information is placed on the information portal alau.kz.
      On November 19 the teacher of economics faculty of department of accounting and audit Bedych Evgeny Sergeyevich spoke in the morning show "Dobroe utro" on TV channel Cable networks of Kostanay in the rubric "special guest". He told to the television presenter Evgeny Sotnikov about the coming debate tournaments and preparation of our University team to the regional and republican superiority.Also Evgeny Sergeyevich told about the season finale in the intellectual and entertaining night game “Search of RK”, whose  the permanent organizer is Evgeny over 3 years. He answered on the loaded questions of the television presenter. Complete program version you can see on the site: https://kaztube.kz/video/220470.  
     On November 23, 2015 the meeting of 4th courses students of group F12-501-42 of specialty finance was with the head of control department No. 3 of financial control Inspection on the Kostanay region of financial control Committee of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sapobekov Dauletkassym Asylkhanovich.           The lecture was organized by the Cand.Econ.Sci., associate professor of "Finance and banking" N.T.Sartanova.          The lecture on the theme "The Organization of Financial Control for the Subjects of Economics Management — Bankrupts of the Kostanay Region in the Modern Conditions" was given. The meeting passed in very interesting form, there was a constructive exchange of opinions between participants.  
      On November 18, 2015 the competition of talents "Men zhastarga senemin!" of veterinary and technology of livestock technology faculty devoted to the Day of the First President of Kazakhstan passed in the assembly hall of the 2nd building of Akhmet Baitursynov KSU.         The brightest first-year students presented their talents to the unprejudiced jury. The dean of FV and LT A.A.Tegza, the director of development center of youth initiative B.N.Kaliyev, and also our guests from Lithuania – Grazhina Yanushnyavichene and Zhilaitis Vituolis were a part of jury.         The participants of competition performed in various categories, such as vocal performance, dramatic reading, choreography.         The presenters of ceremonies were Rakhym Zhazira and Marken Aibek.          The vocal skills on the court of jury presented: Tlemis Moldir, Namazova Akbayan, Zhumabayeva Gaukhar, Izbaskhan Nazerke, Nurtazina Saule, Rakhym Zhazira, Myrzashova Kamila.           Daurenov Rustem and Nalobin Nikita performed in the instrumental category.       The genre of dramatic reading was presented by Kemal  Ulbikey,Kambar Nurgali and Shalkar Sharapat.            The dancing duet “Erkenaz “, which consisted of Kadirova Gulnar and Kaparova Saltanat executed furious Indian dance, Sorokina Anastasia danced the Russian national dance.          The concert assembled a big audience which shared with good impressions, because all participants gave serious attention to the competition and perfectly showed their creativity. Generally, students performed magnificently. It will be known soon who passed on the following stage of the festival of creative youth of Baitursynov KSU.