Kostanay state
A. Baitursynov
In order not to be behind other nations -
It is necessary to acquire knowledge, to be rich and strong.
In order to know - it is necessary to study,
In order to be rich - it is necessary to go in for craft,
In order to be strong - it is necessary to keep unity.


       On December 11, 2015 the problem lecture on the topic "Foresight of researches in decision-making of social and economic development of country, region" was given at the management and business administration department for 4 year students of specialties 5B050700-Management and 5B051000-Government and local management.           The lecturer: Doctor of Economics, expert in the scientific and technical sphere of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, honored worker of the Higher school of the Russian Federation, professor of management and marketing department of Omsk state agricultural university of P. A. Stolypin Stukach Victor Fedorovich.            The students learned a new method of strategic researches and technologies, which will allow bringing the greatest economic and social benefits for the state and our region.
       On December 9, 2015 the round table, devoted to the Message of the President of Kazakhstan to the nation of Kazakhstan passed in the reading room of "Knowledge Center» of A. Baitursynov Kostanay state university. The pro - rector of academic affairs  and educational work A.A.Absadykov, head of the Center of problems studying of interethnic and interfaith consent at KSU Zh.A.Shaukenov, representative of the development center of youth initiatives of KSU Tolesh Magzum, Dr.Sci.(Econ.), professor S.M.Zhiyentayev and students of 1,2 courses of VLTF, EF and ABF took part in discussion of the Message.              As the moderator of the round table acted A.A. Absadykov.       The professor S.M.Zhiyentayev stopped on the questions of "Five directions of anti-crisis and structural transformations". Zh.A.Shaukenov commented the statement of the President about challenges of new global reality and noted that the processes of economic and political struggle for spheres of influence of world and regional powers are already brightly demonstrated in the world.             The 3 year student of specialty “Biotechnology” of VLTF D.Shilova told that the President never forgot about social status of the nation and in this time the President confirmed about measures of social support of the population, including about increase of the scholarships on 25% and it pleased student's youth.
The department of history of Kazakhstan held the conference, devoted to the 130th anniversary of M. Dulatov.   On December 10, 2015 the student scientific conference "Mirzhakyp Dulatov - the Kazakh Poet and Politician", devoted to the 130th anniversary of the famous writer was organized by the department of history of Kazakhstan of history and law faculty at Kostanay state university.     The students of the specialties "Veterinary Sanitation", "PTLP", "Biotechnology", "Regional study" of KSU took part in the conference. The reports, devoted to the literary creativity, public, political activity, tragic destiny of M. Dulatov were heard at the conference.     The department of history of Kazakhstan expresses gratitude to the following students, who prepared the reports on the conference:     Nurdillayeva Marzhan Senbi Aiganym Zhalymbekov Sayatay Kushanbay Tolegen Amirov Bekaidar Zein Ulan Amirgali Gulimkhan    
       From November 26 to December 12, 2015 the foreign scientists, Zhibek Syzdykova from M. V. Lomonosov Moscow State University and Saulesh Essenova from University of Calgary, Canada worked at the department of history of Kazakhstan.        The foreign scientists gave classes to the students of specialties: history and regional studies, and also to the master students of specialty: History, within disciplines “Ethnology”, “Ethnoconflictology”, “Methods of regional researches”, “History of the Kazakh diaspora”, “Modern and contemporary history of the countries of Europe and America, Asia and Africa”, “New approaches to fundamental problems of the World history”.          The students with the great interest listened to the lectures of professor Zh.S.Syzdykova, devoted to the following subjects: “Foreign policy of Turkey”, “Russia and problems of safety in Central Asia”, “Eurasianism: from the theory to the practice”, “Russia between the East and West”. Also the debate tournament "Youth in the conditions of globalization" was held with the 4 year students of history specialty.            At the lectures of doctor S.B.Essenova the students got acquainted with the actual problems of social and cultural anthropology. The lectures were given in English to the students of the specialty Regional studies, and, certainly, it gave the chance to the students of polylingual group to practice in English. “History of the Great Kazakh steppe on Esenberlin's works” became the subject of scientific discussion with students.  
      Two conferences within celebration of the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate were held by the department of history of Kazakhstan and Public council on science of FIP.        On November 30, 2015 the regional scientific and practical conference "History of Formation of the Kazakh Khanate" devoted to the 550 anniversary of formation of the Kazakh khanate was organized by the department of history of Kazakhstan of the history and the right faculty, and also Association of the children’ youth organizations of the Kostanay region at Kostanay state university.            The pupils of schools, colleges and HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS of the Kostanay region took part in the work of conference. Two sections : "Edge history – country history" and "History of independent Kazakhstan" worked at the conference. The scientific works of participants were estimated by the academic teaching staff of department of history of Kazakhstan, headed by the chairman of jury – G.K.Ermenbayeva.             The reports which had the greatest scientific weight and high level of existence of an author's look were noted by the diplomas and prizes. Other conferees and their supervisors received certificates.           On December 7, 2015 the Interuniversity student's scientific and practical conference "Historical and Legal Aspects of Formation and Development of Statehood in the territory of Kazakhstan", within celebration of the 550 anniversary of the Kazakh khanate organized  by the Public council on science of faculty of history and right of KSU.            The purpose of action consisted in discussion of the main problems of historical and legal development of statehood in the territory of Kazakhstan.       The professors of the near and far abroad countries made a speech at plenary session: Dr.Sci.(Hist.), professor of Lomonosov Moscow State University Zh.S.Syzdykova and doctor of PhD of university of Calgary (Canada) S.B.Esenova.            The students of ITF, HSSF, ABF, EF of KSU, Kostanay branch of ChELSU, listeners of Kostanay academy of MIA of RK after Sh.Kabylbayev, students of KSPI, research supervisors took part in conference.            Four sections worked at the conference, the winners were awarded by diplomas and prizes. The active work in the organization and holding of  this conference was made by members of Public council of FIP of A. Baitursynov KSU: S.S. Ismailov, S.K.Ukin, A.I.Aldabergenova, O.S.Orazbayev, E.E.Ibrayev.  
      On December 4, 2015 the meeting of students of management and business administration department with employers was held at the economics department: employees of the administration of Akim of Kostanay and SI of "finance management of akimat of the Kostanay region".         The head of the human resources department Zhilkibayeva Zlikha Bertayevna made the reports "About activity of the administration of Akim of Kostanay".         The deputy head of SI Zhusupova Alma Utenovna gave the report "About activity of SI of "Finance management of akimat of the Kostanay region".       The meeting is held within the realization of the joint plan between KSU of A. Baitursynov and Department of Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on public service and counteraction of corruption across the Kostanay region. As the result of the held meeting the students received detailed information about activity of government bodies of management.